Chapter Seventeen

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Zale's P.O.V.

Jack's voice was heard loud and clear through the family bond, and that had been hours ago. We were doing everything we could to quicken the process, but Clark seemed to be taking his time. He wasn't helping with the process, and it was infuriating.

Jack's mother was breathing down all of our necks, and his father wasn't any better. I could feel where they were coming from, but I knew that what they were doing wasn't going to make anything better.

I sighed, and rubbed my temples with my thumbs, before setting my head in my hands.

"Troubles, young one?" I startled, and looked up to see Alec standing over me at the table I had sat myself at, far away from anyone else.

I frowned, taking in his appearance, "Were you at the party?" I questioned, not knowing why Alec would bother with an Artoul party.

Alec sat beside me and raised his eyebrow, "Yes. I was indeed. It seems it was a big hit." He laughed at his own poor joke and I took another long look at him.

Alec was a mystery to all of us. I don't remember a time without him in my life, but it never felt real. His swirling eyes were always clouded with some emotion I couldn't read, and I knew he liked me least of my brothers.

I was the one who watched my parents be murdered, and Alec was the one who found me soon after. He has always been in my life, but not matter how hard I tried, there just wasn't a memory of when.

Looking at him now, questions bounced around my head. I frowned, "Alec, why did you take Jaylee out of my memories? When you could have just reversed the rejection?"

Eyes flashing, Alec sent me a look which could probably had killed me, "I am not capable of doing that. When did you remember?"

Surprised, I shrugged, "Right before, or after maybe, the explosion. I have been trying to remember for days. You could have just told me who she was, and save us days."

Alec crossed his legs, and folded his hands in his lap, "That would have been entirely too easy for you, wouldn't it?" his voice hinted at anger, and that only caused me to be more curious.

"Is there more to the story?" I questioned, wondering what he knew.

He shook his head, and took a deep breath, so I edged farther, "Tell me."

Suddenly, Alec slammed his fist down on the table, causing me to jump, "All I know is she is half human, and half Artoulian. Stop asking questions boy, or you might ask the right one with the wrong consequence!"

I stared in open mouth shock at the man in front of me as he got up and stalked out of the room I had found.

I crossed my own legs and sat back in my chair, "Well, this just got a whole lot deeper, didn't it?"


Jaylee's P.O.V.

The night dragged on, and after the man's big speech, I had been shoved into a corner. I was as quiet as a mouse, as I watched people I had known my whole life talk about bringing down the most powerful people in space.

I had started dozing off when the doors to the room were thrown open and a lanky boy I recognized vaguely slammed through and held himself on the door, heaving in breaths, "Kliant... Clark... Jack... the boy!"

The Tethran man stood up, anger clouding him, "What about the boy?"

"He's free!" the boy gasped out between breaths, and suddenly it clicked.

Reality(1 in series) ~Completed~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora