Chapter Sixteen

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I was running as fast as I could. I really was.

I was scared. All I could grasp was I was running. And I needed to find them.

My family. My mommy.

I stopped and bent over, my hands on my knees, which were knocking together.

I was hungry.

Gasping for breath, I took this chance to look around me. Where was I?

"Mommy..." I whimpered, looking around, knowing Jayjay needed me to be strong.

I began walking, taking in the trees around me, and how there was no light in the sky. The air was heavy on my tongue, just like Artoul's was.

Was I still on Artoul?

My hands bunched into fists at my side, and I jumped at a stick cracking to my left. Quickly I hid behind a tree, and peeked out.

There was nothing. I sighed, casting out to my family with my mind.

I couldn't feel them.

I sat down, what was left of the pajamas I had been wearing keeping my skin from the chill of the night.

It had all happened so quickly. I had been just lying in bed, when suddenly the world around me was shaking. I didn't know what to do, so I had gotten out of bed, and ran down the stairs. I remember seeing all these fancy-dressed people running away from the room I had seen earlier in the night.

I frowned, hopping down the steps, maybe there was something outside that I was missing out on?

Then the building rocked again, and people were screaming. I gripped the railing beside me and watched as the people tramped each other.

I wasn't paying any attention to the people behind me, and screamed out when I was yanked up and thrown over someone's shoulder.

After that it was a blur to me, and then I was thrown in a transportation vehicle. Jayjay was there. I remember trying to wake her up. She wouldn't wake up.

We traveled a long time, and I dozed off. They didn't feed me.

When we finally stopped, one of the big men put a bag over my head. I tried to bite him, and he was angry with me.

Next thing I knew, I was being thrown into a cell with a Klantar. They look evil, but if you can gain their trust, they are very protective. I named him Jangar.

The men came down once or twice, to feed us. And then they brought Jayjay down. She looked like she had been through a lot, and wouldn't respond to me after they left.

I sat and watched her with Klantar for maybe days. I couldn't tell in the cell. But she glowed a lot.

I frowned, trying to think how far I had come since she had freed me. Would I find my parents?



The men had taken me through hallways, up sets of stairs, down them, and eventually stopped me in front of a door. I was tired. And couldn't think straight. My body needed food, and I needed sleep.

But hadn't I been sleeping earlier?

Ugh! "Please, let me go," I said for the umpteenth time as the man to my right unlocked the door, before throwing it open, "I'm human!"

They both shook their heads and pushed me inside a bedroom with no windows, "You're Artoulian."

I growled low, but before I could go to grab any of them, they shoved me into the room, and closed the door behind me.

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