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I open the door to the bathroom and Bailey looks up, mascara streaking down her cheeks. She smiles and jumps up from her spot on the toilet seat.

"B!" She exclaims and bear hugs me.

It shocks me a bit and she hugs me so tight I can't breath.

"Bailey," I force out. "Cant. Breath."

She releases me. "Oops." She says. "Thank goodness you came." She says in relief. "I thought I was going to explode if I had to see Lucas again." Disgust fills her features.

I give her a sad smile. "Well, let's go." I say. "I have classes and work tomorrow. It's almost time for me to get up anyways."

She rolls her eyes, following me out of the dirty bathroom. "You don't need to get up so early y'know? You have time and you're a college freshman. You'll be fine to sleep in a bit."

I shake my head chuckling. "I like to be prepared." I really do. I've always been that way. My mom used to claim it was anxiety, which I don't think is totally incorrect, but it helps me feel better to know I'm not a deer in the headlights.

The party seems to be slowing down and the house is quieter. We walk down the stairs and some people are passed out on the floor or couches in the larger living room area. And some of the frat boys are throwing stuff away.

I catch that guy Bryson staring at me from the corner of the room. I gulp in anxiousness but then I also see Roman. He's standing against a counter, a water bottle in his hand, gripping tight around the plastic bottle. His eyes are slits as he watches over Bryson. It kind of shocks me to see. I don't even know the guy but he swooped to my rescue because Bryson thought it was a grand idea to touch me. Once Bryson turned away, Roman locks eyes with me. I don't know what it is about him that intrigues me, but I'm not sure I have the willpower to find out.

I've been so busy lately, I haven't even thought about relationships, boys, etc. Guys tend to ignore me, or at least, Kai says I'm intimidating and guys are scared to approach me. I always brush it off because I'm not sure I'm ready for relationships and what not. But Roman's dark stare pulls me in more than I think I want it to.

I avert my eyes and keep walking towards the door. Trying my best not to trip over things in the hallways. Bailey and I pass by Persila and Jasmine who are all cozied up in a small living room with two guys I don't know.

"I'm leaving," Bailey announces to them.

"Aw why Bay?" Persila asks, not even glancing up from the drunk looking guy she's sitting on. She's clearly drunk too and doesn't care, but she makes an attempt to change her tone. The guy in front of her looks like he could pass out any second.

I look at Bailey who rolls her eyes. Classic Bailey. "Nothing, just tired. Come on B." Bailey says and pulls me from the room and out the front door.

We get to the car and Bailey looks sad again. I put a hand on her shoulder. "It's going to be okay, Bailey." I say. "Frat boys are never worth it unless there's some miracle that he's actually a good guy." I say and scuff.

She chuckles through some tears. "Thanks B." She says. "I'm really glad you're here now."

Bailey and I were the typical sisters growing up. I never even thought going to the same college as her was even an option. But when it came time to make my decision. This school was the best choice for me. And I could live with Bailey to make my stay a little easier.

Besides the house that likes the fall apart, I'm happy here. I've made friends, gone to classes, have a great job, and could really see myself building a life here too.

I smile at her. "Me too."


I basically am sprinting into the dance studio, that next afternoon. When I got out of Bailey's car, the dash said it was 4:05 pm. I was supposed to be here at 4:00 pm but my class ran late and I had to stop by the house to change.

Judy at the front desk gives me a sympathetic smile, seeing the rushed look on my face. I puff out an exaggerated breath that makes her laugh.

"Natalia started for you," she says, making me feel a tad better.

"Okay awesome, thank you!" I say to her and rush to room B.

When I open the door, I see Natalia, one of my students, leading the class in stretches. The rest of the class look up and smile at me.

"Sorry I'm late!" I apologize. "Keep going, I'll start when you guys are done."

They nod in agreement and keep stretching. I sit on the stool by the speakers and sigh in relief. At least I made it semi on time. This has happened before. My boss, Laura, knows my schedule so I made sure to let her know I could be late sometimes. The only Marketing class available was at 3 and I have this class at 4. Cutting it close for someone who's always prepared huh.

For some stupid reason my mind retreats back to last night and Roman. It hasn't left my mind how he basically appeared out of nowhere and saved me. That was terrifying and I was about ready to kick him in the balls before he showed up. But I was thankful he did. Remind me to never go to a frat party alone again. Especially in the early hours of the morning.

Watching the girls stretch I'm reminded of my days of dance classes. I definitely miss being the one performing but being able to teach it has been a blessing. From what people tell me, I'm apparently great at it. My goal is to hopefully keep doing this but I'll see where life takes me.

Natalia finishes the stretch and I stand at the front of the room. "Alright, so, are you guys ready to start the routine for the day? We will keep working on this over the next few weeks because I think it will really broaden your abilities. Not just in dance but in performance, stage presence. Attitude."

"Yes!" They all shout.

I chuckle. "We will keep working on this over the next few weeks because I think it will really broaden your abilities. Not just in dance, but in performance. Attitude. Your song is Gimme More by Britney Spears." They all raise their eyebrows. "I know it's a bit much but I wanted to unleash the sass from you guys," the room erupts in a chorus of laughter. "I made sure to keep it clean but I really want you guys to unleash it okay?"

They all nod. "We can do it Brooke." One of my students, Kaia, says.

I smile. "Of course you can." I say. "Alright, let's get started."

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