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Okkkkk so you know how everyone has been obsessing over Vinnie Hacker after his fight... Well the funny thing is that I had already kind of based some on Roman's looks after him and its such a coincidence that he was actually in a fight lolll! 

Sitting in the seat of the plane my leg bounces with anxiety. I've been on a plane a couple of times but this time is different. I'm with my... boyfriend? I guess that's what he is. I've never really been on a trip without my parents. And seeing as they have no idea I'm on this trip, could have its consequences.

Bailey knows, which makes me breathe a little easier but I'm still nervous. Roman is one that's fighting and he is as cool as a cucumber.

He looks over at me and places his hand on my knee, stopping my leg shaking. "Brooke, it's okay babe,"

My heart swells every time he calls me that. Its intimate and calming. I sigh. "I know, I'm just anxious for some reason."

He nods, his airport attire consists of black sweatpants, a grey hoodie, and a black beanie that covers most of his hair. He looks comfortable and smarter than me. I knew we were leaving early this morning but I was rushing and forgot my jacket. He lifts his arm to rest over my shoulders and I lay my head down on his shoulder. He rubs the side of my arms and I shut my eyes.

He kisses the top of my head. "We'll be there soon," he says and I nod.

The flight consisted of me staring out the window, talking to Roman about random things, or sleeping. When we landed in Chicago, I was extremely ready to leave the plane.

We grabbed our bags from the overhead compartments and made our exit. Making our way through the airport, Roman calls Ober and we wait outside for it.

Roman explained to me that the hotel we are staying in was bought by his boss. He also tells me that it's a very high end, expensive place that is probably crawling with the wealthy. I'm not sure why he needed to mention that but I assume there's a reason.

I stay close to Roman for warmth and when the Ober pulls up he grabs my bags and we get in the car. The warmth of the car makes me relax and with Roman next to me, I'm not as cold as I once was.

"Have you ever been to Chicago?" I ask, quietly.

Roman nods. "Once" he says. "Last year, around this same time actually. It was more of a trial run. Whereas this one is the real deal."

My stomach churns with nerves thinking about the last time I watched Roman fight. He can do what he wants and I'm not one to tell someone to control another's life, but when someone I care about is put in harm's way, I'm not sure I like it very much.

We pull up to the hotel and my jaw drops looking out the window. The building is black with gold lettering, spelling out, Harsh Hotel. It has to be at least thirty stories high and is one of the biggest buildings in the surrounding area.

"Told you it was big," Roman teases as he grabs our bags from the trunk.

I'm still looking up at it when I reply. "I believed you but I'm still blown away."

He chuckles and hands me my bag. I smile when I take it from his hands and we walk to the lobby. Roman checks us in and when we are heading to the elevators we hear someone call for Roman.

A tall man with a buzz cut, dark clothing, and tattoos, approaches us. He towers over me but is closer to Roman's height than me. The smirk on his face tells me that he knows Roman on a certain level of familiarity.

"Look who it is," he says, pushing Roman's shoulder in greeting. "You ready?" The man asks.

Roman shrugs, confidence and arrogance fill his features. I've only seen that look when he fights. It's almost like he puts on a show. "As ready as I'll ever be." He looks down at me and winks.

I shake my head and turn my attention to the other man. "And you are?" I ask, politely.

"I'm Marcus," he says. "I used to fight alongside Julien and his crew. But I've been... promoted, if you could call it that." He shrugs.

"Marcus is fighting professional as of last week." Roman says to me and I suddenly remember Roman mentioning him to Drew on the phone once. "Julien does things more under the wraps and does things on the down low. Marcus here finally got to Julien's level of stupidity,"

"Ha!" Marcus calls out. "Don't be spreading that around, kid, Julien will kick your ass."

Roman scoffs. "He can try," he says arrogantly.

"And who might you be?" Marcus asks.

"I'm Brooke," I say. "I'm Roman's..." I trail off, not knowing what to say.

"Girlfriend," Roman says, finishing my sentence.

Marcus raises his eyebrows and he's not the only one surprised. "Roman with a girlfriend? I never thought I'd see the day,"

Roman glares at him and Marcus laughs.

Someone calls Marcus' name and waves him over. He looks back at us. "It was nice meeting you," he says to me. "Keep Roman in check will ya?" He jokes and I smile.

Once Marcus leaves, we make our way to the elevators.

The interior of this hotel is just as extravagant as I expected. It's got dark wood with black and gold interior design. The elevator has mirrors and gold lining. My eyes haven't really stopped moving since we got here.

"You want to just hang out here tonight?" Roman asks, shoving me slightly to get me out of my trance.

I look over at him. "We don't have to?" I say.

Roman shrugs. "My fight isn't for another few days but we'll be out a lot." He says. "Appearances and such. You don't have to be out all the time, but I'd like to spend some time with you." He says, softly and that makes me smile.

I kissed him. "Okay, that sounds fine to me."

Our room is on the 25th floor and the hallway down to our room feels like a mile long. Roman grabs the key from his pocket and scans it to open the door.

My jaw slightly drops open when I see the room. The walls are a dark grey and the curtains are black with gold accents. The bed it's white with black pillows and the black headboard is engraved with a pattern. I walk to the bathroom and it's spacious. The mirror is large and the shower is huge. It's basically the size of a small walk in closet.

"This is crazy," I say, in awe. I walk out to see Roman sitting on the edge of the bed.

He chuckles, he pulls me by the waist so I'm standing in between his legs. My arms drape over his shoulders. "It is," he says back. 

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