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My hands lock behind Roman's neck and I have to go on my tiptoes to get closer to him. If I wasn't so entranced by Roman's kiss I would probably be freaking out that I'm finally kissing him. His hands are strong on my back and I lean back as he pushes me backwards a little, deepening the kiss. This is probably the best kiss I've ever received.

His lips are warm and inviting. That seems to be a recurring word for me but that's just the message my body gets from him. Every time I've seen him, even when we first met, I was drawn to him.

I make a sound down in my throat of contentment and that just intices Roman even more. His body and mine are so close there is no air running between us.

Just as he starts to allow his hands to roam, I realize where we are.

I quickly release his lips and I see an agitated look grow on Roman's face. Feelings are mutual, but I can't be making out with a boy in the place I work. I have classes to teach now.

I shake my head. "I'm sorry," I say. "I'm-" I stumble on what to say. I'm still dazed from our kiss. "I'm working. I have a class in five minutes and-"

"Brooke," he mutters my name softly. "It's okay, I understand." He moves close to me again. His phone buzzes in his pocket, before he can speak anything else, and the expression he holds as he looks down at the phone is not a happy one.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He looks up at me again, his attempt to soften his expression doesn't fool me. "Nothing, don't worry about it. I've got to go and I know you do too."

He kisses my forehead and before I can open my mouth to say goodbye back, he's gone.


He's like a ghost. No word from him for two whole weeks. Two weeks! I thought the moment in the dance studio was... well I'm not sure what it was. Maybe I just turned him on with my dancing and that was all he needed from me.

I frown at my cereal. I mean he is the type to hear nothing from for weeks and then show up again. But I don't want that. I never have and never will. Like Kai warned, "he's the Danger Zone". I still laugh at that nickname because I guess it is very true. He screams mystery, danger, suspicion.

Bailey looks up from her phone. "Do you think pink is too flashy nowadays?"

I shrug. "I think it's alright if it's not neon." I say. Because it's true, I'll wear some type of pink as long as it doesn't yell, "I was bought from Justice in 2010". Don't get me wrong, younger me was all for the puppy's and cheetah print clothes. Neon too. But now? I can only stand so many bright colors in my wardrobe.

Like right now, I'm wearing a maroon sweatshirt and leggings, pretty typical young adult attire if I do say so myself.

Bailey nods. "You're right," she says, confident in my answer. "Oh by the way, the girls and I are planning a Lake trip to Detroit Lake. You should come!"

I scrunch my face. A lake trip? With Bailey and her sorority friends? I'm not so sure about that.

I decide to act like I'm considering and ask, "Who's going?"

She thinks for a second before answering. "Just Persila, Jasmine, Me, Keegan, James, oh and Lucas."

I raise an eyebrow. "But Bay-"

She shakes her head interrupting me. "I'm fine, we are fine actually, he's dating Persila."

That's what perks me up. "Wait what? Since when?"

She shrugs. "She told me last week they had a date planned. I could care less about him. Keegan and I have been friends for way longer and I'm really starting to like him even more than just a friend. And besides, Lucas and I only dated for like three weeks. That's nothing."

She seems very genuine with that statement. Her smile lights up when she speaks Keegan's name and I've never seen that with Lucas. I actually do like Keegan, he's really nice and has a better personality than blonde haired, boneheaded Lucas.

Bailey's eyes light up again as she realizes something else. "Oh I almost forgot! Roman is going too!"

My hand freezes on my spoon.

Bailey makes a face after noticing my reaction. "I thought you liked him?"

I roll my eyes. "Not after he disappears for two weeks without contact with him. I didn't even know he was still alive by the way he disappeared."

She looks confused. "I just saw him last week walking out of the Science building." She says. "He asked about you."

My eyes widen. "He did?" I ask, shocked. "Why didn't you tell me?" Like seriously, how did I not know this.

She shrugs. "I thought you guys were still in contact. Although, thinking back on it, he didn't seem a little hesitant to ask me."

I look back down at my cereal, glaring at it this time. "I'm sure he did."

Bailey sits up straight. "It's final, you are coming with us. Show him that you don't care if he ghosted you."

I laugh. "That sounds kind of petty." I joke.

She shrugs with a smile. "I mean if that's the way to do it, it works!"

I chuckle at Bailey's excitement.

"I'm not sure I can go though," I say. "I think I have work. A solo to do." I say.

She waves her hand. "Reschedule girl, you've got time."

I sigh, what have I got myself into?

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