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5.4 Part two,

((Harry’s pov))

“Why Harry, why did you shout at me? What happened to promises?” The sudden confidence took over from Jessica’s tiny body.

In all honesty I couldn’t remember the promise I made her, in fact I didn’t know I made her a promise…bad I know.

I felt bad for her, but I needed her to hurry up and go into the school so I could go to a meeting, one about her in fact. If I didn’t have the meeting I wouldn’t have made her go to school, instead her Charlotte and I would cuddle up on the sofa watching films all day.

“Harry, please answer my question” Jessica spoke quietly, with a few tears dripping down her face. It was like she needed me to apologise and say I remember making that promise, but I just can’t.

“Jessica I’m sorry, I really am, now let’s go and get you set in your new school okay? After I pick you up we can go get a takeout and watch films with Charlotte yeah?” I tried to reason with her while walking round to her side of the car. She looked a bit pale from where she passed out on the way here, but the social workers mentioned to me that she often gets flashbacks, although not as many since being with me, so she will be fine at school considering it is only half a day.

“I guess that’s okay, just remember its half a day” Jessica shrugged her shoulders, while hopping out the car, picking up her cute little back pack with a floral pattern (I’ve been getting so girly recently with two girls in the house).

I grinned in triumph and took hold of Jessica’s little hand, much to her disgust, and pulled her towards the school entrance.

While walking I looked down towards Jessica, who was taking in her new surroundings. It was a pretty big school, but it specialised in art, which is a good thing.

“Hello you must be Jessica and Harry” A small middle aged preppy lady, with glasses on the end of her nose, greeted us on the path up to one of the buildings.

“Hello, yes I am Harry and this is my younger sister Jessica” I extended my hand to shake hers, hmm light handshake, she must be nice. Jessica smiled at her, probably 10% genuine smile 90% fake. I nudged her and pointed at my overly big smile indicating her to smile properly while we led into what seems the main building.

“I am Mrs Nerd, and welcome to St Michaels City School” Mrs Nerd spoke, I had to hide my sniggers because I’m supposed to be the adult, Jessica just smiled like I told her to, probably taking the mick but at least she isn’t laughing at ‘Mrs Nerd’.

“Maybe Uncle Michael made this school” Jessica questioned; fully serious, chuckling I shook my head no, and put my arm round Jessica’s shoulders.

“Anyway, this school specialises in art and” Once I heard the words specialised in art, I looked down to Jessica who looked really happy all of a sudden, her mouth wide open in surprise. “-right now that’s over with, let’s go on a tour of the school” I looked at Jessica in confusion, hoping she actually listened to the nerd…oh wait Mrs Nerd

“Oi, did you know this school specialised in art?” Jessica question quietly, trying not to interrupt Mrs Nerd who was walking at a fast pace in front of us, probably annoyed with us already.

“No, no I didn’t” I replied while gazing at the work displayed on one wall in the corridor, and the crowded lockers down the opposite wall, in all honesty I have been noticing Jessica do lots of doodles and small sketches and they are really good, so without telling her I made sure the school specialised in art, but that was just my good acting you just witnessed.

“So these are the English rooms and this is where Jessica’s tutor will be” Mrs Nerd said, opening the squeaky door which caught all the pupils’ attention and the teacher who seemed quite young and a male with glasses and good fashion sense.

 We have finished the tour around the seven buildings which make up St Michaels City School, it seems perfect for Jessica, so now Mrs Nerd is just showing Jessica her tutor room, and then we will leave her to it.

“This will be your tutor room, you will come here every morning when you first enter school, and then after lunch time to be registered, your tutor Mr Jenson will assign you a buddy so you don’t get lost, oh I nearly forgot here are your books which you will be needing” Mrs Nerd loaded all this information to Jessica and I and briskly gave Jessica a pile of books

“Of course you won’t be needing these today because it is only half a day, but maybe at break time you and your buddy can take each book to your subject teacher so they can look after it for you until after the summer” Mrs Nerd said, and walked off, without us saying a thank you or good bye to her, oh well she probably has some nerdy things to do, get it because her last name is nerd and I said nerdy things?

“Hi Jessica, I am Mr Jenson and this is Cassidy, she will be your buddy” Mr Jenson introduced himself in a clear Australian accent, “Please take a seat,  Morning tutor is only half way through” Mr Jenson pointed to a seat next to Cassidy, who friendly smiled at me.

I quickly gave Harry a hug, and dodged a kiss to my cheek, and then I wandered over to where Cassidy is sitting.

“I LOVE YOU JESSICA!” Harry shouted, while walking out of the class, my cheeks instantly turning a bright shade of red.



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