Saturn - 2

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Anubis entered Achish's handicraft shop at the lower levels of Kish and looked at some little crystal statues of Llacme and him on display. He found them tasteless.

"Does anyone buy this stuff?"

"Of course, this place is full of amateur witches, they come here at night believing in ghosts and vampires."

Anubis approached the attention desk and continued, "I convinced Llacme to give you full access to the remaining two Angels in her castle."

"What did you tell her?"

"That you may find out that they are very old, and have extra-dimensional perception, both things possibly true, I also gave her the impression that you can heal them. And somehow convinced her that it would absolve her brother of the assassination of the other one."

"So, I'll have access to creatures beyond our imagination and understanding."

"Yes, you're welcome."

"What do you want in return?"

"Something simple, I want you to engineer me an animal, an army of them. A creature impossible to be blinded or stunned by the Macsks."

"Not a simple task, but I think it is within my capacities."

Achish left his shop and traveled to Sibara, where he was received with open arms by Llacme. In her castle, he built a laboratory, and the Angels were put at his disposition. In that same lab, over the next twenty years, he developed a breed of electronically enhanced sea medusas for Anubis.

When the Black Dog saw the jellyfishes, he remembered where he knew Sephia from, whose corpse he had stored in methanol after Carmina's death. Then he handed Sephia's body to Achish.

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