The Gipsy Witch - 3

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Csilla ordered Czesar to keep the horse in its tent and take cover with it. She went to the middle of the road and stood there, waiting for the crowd, as clouds thickened in the sky above them. Sun went down completely, so the only light were the torches carried by the mob. Csilla caressed the rosary, the eyes contained in it shone red as well as Csilla's crystal eyes and the moles under them. From the clouds, a black rain fell and soaked the villagers, Csilla, and Illona's corpse. It was corrosive, and the shouts of pain from the villagers filled the cold night air. Of course, Csilla was immune to its acid. The black rain turned the torches off, so darkness was complete except for Csilla's red eyes. A series of lightnings fell over the mob, burning them as Csilla's smile was visible whenever a ray impacted the ground.

Csilla's eyes became black again, and a beautiful summer night sky, full of stars deployed. Czesar disarmed the tents and prepared the horse to pull the cart. They boarded the vehicle and resumed their way across rural Transleithania. The burnt bodies of the villagers were left in the road, to rotten.


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