- Kindness -

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"Eh? Where are Yuki and Tohru-chan?" You were busy taking a shower. But when you went downstairs, both Yuki and Tohru were missing.

"They're probably by Yuki's garden, they don't have any umbrellas so I'm worried." You grabbed 3 umbrellas making your way to the door.

"They're gonna get sick, i'll go to them." You quickly put on a coat and shoes. And were about to leave when Shigure called out to you.

"You still have a fever, send Kyo." You offered him a smile, rejecting his offer telling him, you'll be fine.

Exiting the house, with 2 umbrella's in your hand and one above your head, you slowly made your way to the garden.

Making sure not to slip or fall, you clinged onto trees, and like some weird side-walking animal, you made your way down.

"Safe and Sound!" You looked around a bit and on the far off corner, you could vaguely see two figures.

You headed towards, you confirmed it was them, when you lightly heard there voices.

"You know my mom once told me that it was always better to believe instead of doubt, she said human beings aren't born with kindness, that's something that only comes to us later, all we have at first are desires, for things like food and shelter. She said kindness is our hearts growing inside of us. Growing like people at different rates, different ways and thats why one persons kindness is different to another persons kindness. Your kindness reminds me of a candle, it lights up."

It was silent for a bit.

"Well Tohru-chan, your kindness is really big. You are one of the kindest person, I have met. So your kindness is like a star, it leads Yuki, Kyo and I out of the darkness." You covered her with an umbrella. Offering her a smile when she looked up.

"Eh? (Name)-chan?" Yuki was a few feet next to Tohru, so you walked in between of them, putting an umbrella above their heads.

"(Name)?" The two figures below looked at you, as you awkwardly gave them a smile.


"Eh? You don't like chives, Kyo-kun?" You walked into the kitchen, feeling much better than yesterday.

"Ah! (Name)-chan, would you like one?" She offered a rice ball, which you gladly accepted, taking a bite.

"Mhm! Its good!" You gave her a thumbs up, and in return she gave you a bright smile. Kyo grabbed some rice, making his own ball. He was good at shaping them.

"Kyo-kun! You're really good!" Tohru watched him shape it, and continued complimenting him, as Kyo declined all the compliments.

You stood next to Tohru, as Kyo went and took a seat, Tohru was in deep thought, until she said.

"Maybe you cant see it, because its on your back!" Kyo glanced at Tohru, and then at you, and then back at Tohru.

"Just think! If a person is a rice ball, whats great about that person is a pickled plum. The problem is the plums on their back, where they cant see it. Maybe everyone in the world is walking around with plums on their backs, all different kinds, no two of them alike. But since they cant see their backs, they cant see the plums that make them unique. They think they don't have anything special, but they're just plain white rice, even though thats not true, even though they really do have a plum of their own. Maybe that's the reason we get jealous, because when it comes to plums, others are a lot easier to see. So trust me when I say this, for sure you have a really great plum on your back."

"W-where do you get this anologies!" Kyo become flustered and Tohru went back to work, as she slightly smiled.

"B-but you have one too. You have a plum on your back too. (Name) too. The both of you have really big plums."

"Eh! Really?"

"Do I really have one!"

𝔹𝕆ℕ𝔻𝕊 𝕄𝔼𝔸ℕ𝕋 𝕋𝕆 𝔹𝔼 𝔹ℝ𝕆𝕂𝔼ℕ | ᴋʏᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now