- Run -

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- Slap -

You were slapped across the face by none other than head, Akito Sohma. All you did was ask for freedom, for the right to step outside.

It hurt, not the slap you were used to these, but your rights. You, (Name) Sohma, were a part of the Sohma family, a part of the curse. But what's unusual was your animal wasnt a zodiac, you were the 14th member. The Panda, a young, small panda.

You looked at Akito, once more and decided. Decided to run for your life, to run and never come back. And you knew exactly where to go Shigure Sohma, and Yuki Sohma.

And exactly as you planned, you ran. Unfortunately for you, you had transformed while running. But it didn't matter. You just kept running, something you are far to good at. But you, (Name) were running for your life, running to the only people you thought could trust. You were afraid, alone, tired and not feeling the best but you had to run, you knew it wasn't as safe as it used to be.

And before you know it you were there. Exhausted and out of breathe. But you heard someone, an unfamiliar voice. The voice spoke

"Uh, good morning! Sorry for snooping around!"

You knew it wasn't safe running while being transformed espically when someone unfamiliar was there but you had no choice. You ran right into..

"Huh! Who's this?" The voice spoke while picking you up, Shigure instantly recognized you, and his eyes widened but he took you from her.

"Oh this! Its uh, my pet!" He spoke

"Aw, how cute! Pandas are a weird pet though? Your zodiac figurines are adorable too!" She said

Just then Yuki Sohma, walked out, and was about to speak when he looked at you. His eyes widened as well and he said

"Hello Honda-san, hope my cousin here isnt causing any trouble."

He then pet your head and said

"Im glad to see your all right."

As they all spoke to one and another, you slowly driffted of to sleep.


You woke up in a unusual room, you could see a few clothes, and you assumed they were for you. You were wrapped around a blanket and seems you have transformed so you sliped the clothes on.

You went downstairs and saw shigure.

"Shigure-san..?" You spoke quietly

"Ah! (Name)-chan! Your awake! Good Morning! Or evening as I should say!" he said cheerfully as always


"Yuki, and I are going out for dinner, would you like to join us."

"Sure!" You barely went out so you wanted to use this to your best ability.


"God! Its so hard to get dinner everynight!" Shigure complained

"Forget that! (Name) are you alright? You have bruise on your cheek." Yuki spoke

"Yeah, you know Akito, always getting harsh." You nervously laughed.

"Nothing new. As expected." Yuki gave you a bitter smile. It was expected, everyone in the zodiac knew.

"How have you been Yuki? Shigure-San?" You and Yuki had a decent relationship, he cared for you as a brother. As did Shigure.

In fact, everyone in the zodiac, protected you.

"We're fine everything being the same as usual. Yuki being awful at cooking and I writing to the best of my possibilities." Shigure patted your head, offering you a kind smile.

"Don't touch her, you pervert."

"Hey Yuki?" You noticed something weird.

"Yeah?" Yuki glanced in your directing, giving you his undirected attention

"Isn't that the girl, from this morning? I might be mistaken though." You pointed towards the brunette who was walking to what looks like a tent.

"Ah! The lovely lady from this morning!" Shigure confirmed it was the brunette from this morning.


("To be Continued. . .")

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