- Chaos -

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"Sit here and don't move a muscle!!" Kyo bonked Momiji as he continued yelling at him.

Tohru was frantically waving her arms up and down, as she worried about the young male.

"Hi! How are you! I came to see you aswell!" Momiji got up and stood infront of Tohru as she bent down a bit to talk to him.

"Good afternoon! So you're in the Sohma family too!" It seemed like the two of them had met before.

"It must have been fate that bought us together, that day!" Momiji proudly stated.

"Wait, you two met before?" Kyo voiced out your thoughts as you curiously awaited an answer.

"Yeah! At Pappa's! My father runs the company! He's the ceo!" He proudly told Tohru about his father.

"Hey! You know our secret about the zodiac spirits, right?" Momiji went to hug him as Kyo quickly grabbed the male.

On the second try, when he went to hug her, you stood infront of Tohru.

"I know your excited Momiji, but please wait until we're not in public. If someone finds out it'll become messy." You tried convincing him as he started whining.

"But (Name)!" Instead of hugging Tohru, he clinged onto you, whining and complaining.

Soon without your knowledge he slipped past you, and ended up hugging her, in the end.

A big puff of yellow smoke appeared, and everyone in the class started murmuring and checking behind the curtain.

Yuki soon made a distraction giving, Tohru, Kyo, Hatori, You and bunny form, Momiji enough time to run.


"You damn brat!! Do you even know what you did?" Kyo yelled at Momiji, as he clinged onto Tohru.

"If it wasn't for Yuki's fast thinking, who knows what would happen." Hatori sighed, rubbing his temples.

"He can complain all he want, but I think he likes his girly features." And with that Kyo went flying into the air, like a little birdy.

"Should we see, if you can go even higher?" Yuki showed him his fist, provoking Kyo even more.

While you crouched down, to take care of Kyo's bleeding nose, Hatori started talking.

"I almost forgot, there's something I have to do. Yuki, Kyo and (Name) stand over here please." The three of you obliged, with you in the center, Kyo to your right and Yuki to your left.

"I want you to say the first thing that comes to mind. Mac and ____" The three of you looked straight at Hatori as you said what came to your mind.




- Flash -

He had taken a picture of the three of you, telling us Akito had asked for it. Momiji had quickly jumped into Hatori's shoulder.

"See you boys. Stay safe (Name)." And with that the two Sohma males left as fast as they came.

Kyo had quickly ran after the two of them, as you retreated back to the classroom, sighning at yet another chaotioc Sohma + Tohru meeting.


Two young non-sohma females stood by Shigure's door. Now this was unexpected.

"Yo." Uotani Arisa, waved her hand as she greeted all 4 Sohmas.

"Good Evening." Hanajima Saki, bowed slight, greeting us in her own way.

"Hello!" Shigure greeted the femals, as Kyo, Yuki, Tohru and You stood behind him. Everything should go alright as long as Uo-chan, Hana-chan or Tohru dont bump into the males.

"Sorry about this. I didn't give much of a heads up, that they were coming." Tohru apologized on the behalf of both her friends.

The two younger males were reluctant about this as Shigure brushed it off.

"Dog." The four Sohmas and one Tohru, all flinched.

"This is going to cause so much Chaos."

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