Chapter 1

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     "Derek! Hurry, your food is getting cold."

     "I know, I know." Derek was having more trouble than usual slipping into his 2-year-old pair of shoes. He purchased them while he was in his skating phase. After a few months and many failed ollies, he had given up on that hobby. He stuffed his right heel in his shoe, grabbed his backpack, and power walked out of his room and into the dining room. He was greeted by his younger sister, Sandra, who had just finished her breakfast. She picked up her plate and passed by their mother, who made her way to Derek.

     "Let me guess. You set the alarm to p.m. instead a.m., right?" She smirked as she set a glass of milk by his plate. She knew him all too well, and it was proven by him not even responding and focusing on swallowing his bacon whole. "Make sure you take enough water with you. It will be hot all week long." Sandra returned with her backpack already on, waiting for Derek to finish. He chugged his milk and got up from his chair, only to be greeted by his father who appeared out the hallway. Him still being in his pajamas made it clear he wasn't working today.

    "Be careful there, champ. Try not to puke on your first day of senior year. Save it for when you turn twenty-one." His wife, Maya, rolled her eyes and walked back into the kitchen. Derek wiped his milk mustache off and grabbed his bag.

     "Don't worry, I'll be fine. And if I have to, I'll just aim for Sandra's backpack. Are you ready to go?" He signaled his sister, who scrunched her face in disgust as they both headed for the front door. Their father held it open for them as they walked out.

     "Good luck, you two. And stay away from those freshman girls, okay Derek?"

     Dude, why do you have to be so loud? They both waved back and began their walk.

     Fairwood is a rather quiet town. The Parkers moved there after Derek had passed the eighth grade. Their father, Louis, has been driving trucks for the better part of twenty years. Him being away for a few days out of the week would normally be an issue, but with their mother selling her own brand of candles within the confines of her own home, the family can remain stable. He transferred to this town to have his family leave the big city behind.

     The heat from the summer sky had subsided for now, in exchange for a subtle shift in scenery. Leaves on every tree darkened and fell from their homes while wild winds carried them away and into the direction of Derek and Sandra, who tried their best to dodge them. They were only twenty minutes away from Laurence H. Preston High School, so it gave them time to converse. Derek noticed his younger sister looked rather troubled. Her head was tilted slightly lower to the ground, letting her peripheral vision guide her along the sidewalk.

     "You alright over there? Are you worried about something?" he said while ducking his head under a tree branch that stuck itself out to greet him. He was only five-foot-ten, but the trees they walked by seemed eager to give his forehead a high five. Sandra looked straight ahead now, clutching the straps of her backpack tightly.

     "I guess. I have a big load when in terms of the classes that I'm taking."

     "Well, it makes sense." Derek responded with both eyebrows raised. "Who told you to sign up for all those AP classes? I know you want to be a nurse and all, but definitely calm down with all this overachieving stuff. You should also focus on getting out of your little shell, you know?"

     "Oh, right. Easier said than done." Sandra squinted and stared at her brother. You don't have any idea what it's like. She didn't want to start an argument about her social life this early in the morning, so she let it go. They were approaching their destination, anyway. The school's parking lot was just up ahead. They walked along the side with the rest of the returning students and made their way to the entrance.

     On this Thursday morning, Derek's senior year officially starts. He was eager to have this year go by as quickly as possible. After today, he would soon come to resent his impatience.

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