Chapter 8

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     LHP High held its first rally in the gym. It was your typical affair: school announcements, boring games to pass the time, and speeches from various staff members. When everything was said and done, the students were sent on their way and were told to have a wonderful day.. The first weekend of the school year had officially begun. Derek exited his bleachers and joined the other students in the main hallway. He wasn't homebound yet, for he had a club to attend. He took out his controller as he made his way to the Left Wing of the school. The last stop: Mr. Deans class. The normal attendees made a return this year. Derek recognized many familiar faces, including James. He was sitting at a desk closest to the door and was the first to greet him.

     "Well, hello there. Are you ready to get this party started?" James asked as he displayed a smile from ear to ear.

     "Hell yeah! Where's your controller?"

      "Oh, right." James took off his backpack and started searching. "It's good to see Mr. Dean's old television is still here. We all put a lot of miles on that thing. Ah, here it-." Before he could finish his sentence, he saw someone at the corner of his eye walk through the entrance. Derek turned around and tried to recognize who it was and why she left his best friend speechless. "Yo, Derek. I think that's Risa."

     "Hernandez? What, do you like her or something? You seemed pretty stunned."

     "No, stunned definitely isn't the right word." He took his hand out of his bag and strolled to where Risa had sat down. Both of her earbuds were in and she looked like she did not want to be disturbed. Unfortunately for her, James couldn't tell unless there was a billboard with the message behind her. Derek was about to catch up with him, but Sandra appeared at the entrance. All he received from her was a simple nod as she walked by and claimed a desk near Risa and James. Well, alright then.

      "Do you need something?" Risa asked as she took her earbud out of her left ear."

      "I was just wondering what you were listening to." James replied. Derek caught up to them and planted himself on top of Sandra's desk, not even acknowledging the annoyed look on her face.

      "Eternal Grudge. Ever heard of them?" Risa asked with a sinister smirk on her face. Sandra turned her head towards them both. James stood there, puzzled.

     "No, I can't say I have. Is that one of those bands where all they do is scream like they're being kidnapped?" Derek let out a light chuckle, but Risa wasn't amused.

     "Technically yes, but if that's what it sounds like when someone is being kidnapped, I'd want to be taken too. The lead singer is amazing."

      "Are you talking about Tom's vocals or Ronny's?" That question, to the surprise of everyone else in that group, was from Sandra. Although, Risa was also feeling something else: intrigue.

      "Ronny. Don's lyrics were inspirational, but I think Ronny's gutturals are one of the best in the business."

      James didn't say a single word in response to their sudden hijacking of the conversation. He looked over at Derek, who could only respond with a confused look on his face. Luckily, their attention could be taken elsewhere.

     "Okay guys, I set up the TV. You're good to go. Have fun." Mr Dean said as he walked towards his desk in the back of the classroom. The rest of the attendees had already entered during the initial conversation and were setting up their consoles. Derek and James took this opportunity to escape that side of the room and head towards the front where the games were about to begin.

     "Those two seem occupied." Derek explained. "I never knew Sandra was into that kind of stuff. You feel alright, James?"

      It took James a second and a half to respond. "Yeah, totally. Don't worry about me, though. I hope you've been practicing. I hear Super Brawlers is getting a new set of characters."

      "Awesome. Now I can beat you with those guys too." Derek said as he chuckled as he unraveled the cable from around his controller. "Alright, let's get this party started, shall we?"


     Time always flies when you are having fun. Derek was surprised when he found out it was already five p.m. Luckily, his mother was free to pick him and Sandra up from school.

     "How was the club?" She asked while turning on the car engine. Derek was sitting in the back while Sandra was in the front passenger seat.

     "It was alright." Derek replied. "Looks like Sandra made a new friend. They were talking about music for the whole two hours."

     "Is that so?" Their mother's eyebrows instantly shot up in excitement. "What did I tell you? That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

      Sandra sighed through her nose. "We aren't friends. We were just talking."

     "Yeah, right." Derek pushed the envelope. "You guys sounded like best buds over there. Just admit it."

     "Will you be quiet?" Sandra sat up in her seat and turned her upper body to face Derek. "Why do you always have something to say?"

     Maya was too focused on driving to say much. "Hey, what's that all about?"

     Derek quickly chimed in, almost out of instinct. "Calm down. Just be glad somebody actually talked to you. Your mouth has been practically stitched together for as long as I can remember. Now you have the nerve to get upset if someone calls you out on it?"

     "You have no idea what I'm going through." Something inside Sandra leaked out. It was like a dam getting ready to burst, and she welcomed the incoming waves. "You have been friends with James since middle school. You've always had someone with you since day one. I've had nothing for years now. I can't speak for myself. My so-called friends I have don't even know me. You don't even know me. All you think about now is getting that stupid girl to notice you, but you can't even notice your own damn sister is alone!"

     "That's enough! Not another word!" Their mother had rarely yelled at them during their time as children. They had almost forgotten what that even sounds like. Now the car was completely silent, and it stayed that way until the car had stopped in their driveway. "I want you both to go straight to your rooms and stay there until tomorrow morning. I'll bring you both your dinners after I'm done cooking, got it?" They both nodded in unison. Derek exited the vehicle with a very distressed look on his face, while Sandra wiped away her tears before anyone noticed. All the water had broken through the dam, and all was quiet once more.

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