Chapter 5

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     The walk home was a quiet one. Derek didn't want to include himself in whatever his sister was dealing with, and she knew it. When they entered their home, Sandra went straight to her room and closed the door. Her room was always clean, unlike Derek's. But today, she'd make an exception. She dropped her bag on the ground like a sack of potatoes and sat on the floor. Staring at the ceiling, she leaned her head backwards to rest it on her mattress.

     This is gonna be a long year. And it's only going to get worse. Just one more year after this and I'll graduate.

     The sound of her door opening knocked her out of her thoughts. It was her mother. "Hey, dinner will be ready in a few. Everything alright?" Sandra tried hiding the distress from her face, but it proved futile. Motherly instincts can't be thwarted that easily.

     "Yeah, I'm fine."

     "Make any new friends?"

     "No. I barely speak to the ones I have, and I barely have time for that, anyway. I already have studying to do." She opened her bag and pulled out a few binders.

     "Ya know, school isn't always about classes. There's always room to open yourself up to new people." Maya has already closed the door behind her and sat next to Sandra on her bed. She looked around, staring at the decorations on the walls. Band posters and family photos were scattered among them. Sandra appeared in most of the photos, but she always had the same smile. It was never genuine. It was the smile you make when you don't want to be wherever you are, but if you take part, maybe the charade will be over soon. "Sandra, promise me you will bring home a new friend by the end of the year. Do you think you can do that?"

     Sandra let out an exaggerated sigh and turned herself towards her mother. "Sure. If it makes you happy, I'll do it."

     "It isn't supposed to make me happy, dear. Why don't you make yourself happy?"


   "And why would I do something like that?"

     Sydney chuckled as she asked that question. Her conversation with Kiesha has gone on for over an hour, but the sun outside has not yet gone into hiding. "I just met the guy today. What're you gonna do, interrogate him?"

     "Come on girl, I just want to see him for myself." Keisha said. She was already giddy about Sydney's interaction with this mysterious kid. She couldn't help it. "Why don't you ask him tomorrow during or after class?"

     "I'll think about it. I mean he seems nice but I don't know yet. Remember, it's just the first day, I do-." She couldn't finish her sentence because her father swiftly pushed open the door, not even hiding that he was eavesdropping. "Hey Keisha, boss man is here. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

     "Boss man? Come on now. I just wanted to say something."

     "You couldn't have knocked before you came in?" She asked as she put her phone next to her on her bed.

     "I'll knock more once you start paying some bills. You weren't talking about some boy, were you?"

     "And if I was?"

     "Don't get an attitude with me." His salt and pepper eyebrows scrunched downwards. He was getting a little irritated, but he knew this was a bad look. Relax. First day of school and you are already getting on her case? "Look, forget I said anything. Just know we want you to succeed in a school and have as few distractions as possible. Do you get what I'm saying?"

     "Aye aye, Captain!"

     "Will you...Nevermind." Donald sighed and closed the door.

     I really suck at this

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