IV - Tantalizing

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Nike's POV

"Lancaster what are you doing here?" Beau ask him, his hand pushing me backwards and moving in front of me. He obviously didn't want me to be seen by Lancaster. He is a dangerous person I can tell that much but yet again I was confused by what another new face was doing in the Wolf Den. 

"Like I said I came to visit you baby brother. I heard that you were in the Wolf Den. To think that I would find you hear on your leave. Why the sudden visit to this hell hole?" He ask Beau smiling sharply. 

  He looks like a fox, just what was this wolf? And what did he want?

"Lancaster back the hell off!" Beau growls and I shift lightly on my feet. 

"What are you all talking about?" I ask my voice coming out stronger than i intended it to. 

The man name Lancaster turn his eyes towards, they darken but soon lighten and his eyes burn with a smile, that is mirrored by a smirk on his lips. And I have to take a look at him again. 

  My eyes burn with a dark shadow and I feel a darkening in my vision. Images slowly flash in front of me. They are ones of blood and death, and him Lancaster just covered in blood red eyes staring back at me. 

  I stumbled backwards my eyes burning. I press a hand to my eyes, shiver in fear and a new sense invaded my body. Something that was a mixture of anger and lust. This new emotion was a parallel to the one that I felt for Beau. 

"My what do we have here?" Lancaster ask and I slide to the floor my feet no longer under me. Biting into my lip I try to stop the on slot of emotions. My body quivers and I shake, I can't remember but something is telling that he is dangerous. 

  Yet at the same time something in me craves this craves the lust that I feel for him. Even though I don't know where this emotion was coming from or why I was feeling this for him. Something was being conceded. 

"Lancaster back the fuck off from her." Beau say stepping in front his brother, who doesn't stop but shoulders past him. Heading towards me. 

"It's been a while, I wanted to see if you really had lost your memory." He says bending down towards me. His eye flashing a luminous gold, and I shudder. He stretches a hand out towards my face. 

Cupping my chin in his hand, I shiver at the familiarity that I felt in the action. He tilts my head upwards forcing me to look at him. Breathing sharply through my nose, I move my eyes up to meet his, they were so golden like the sun and warm caramel mixing together. His eyes beckon me forward, towards something that I didn't quite understand but that I knew at the same time. 

  What did he mean about lost memory? I wonder, my mouth opens to ask him to do something. But I don't know what I really want to ask. Resulting in me shutting my mouth. His own mouth was titled into a crocked grin. 

"Are you lost for words?" His hand still firmly keeping my face upwards turned towards his own. What was this feeling of malediction and just utter terror that I felt run up my spine. 

"That's enough Lancaster, leave her alone!" Beau says his body looming over us. And I felt a sense of relief wash through my body. 

"Back the fuck off Beau, who died and made you the boss of me?" Lancaster's spit back turning away from me and releasing my face to stand toe to toe with his brother. 

"I don't know, but since when did you get off scary fear into her?" He ask him bitterly, both of there eyes humming a wonderful vibrant gold. 

"I'll do whatever the hell I feel like, and besides I'm just having a little fun. Who's idea was it for her to take part in this anyways?" Lancaster fires back and now I don't know what they are talking about. 

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