VII - Fade

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Nike's POV

"What the hell do you mean bonded to Lancaster?" I ask Beau moving my hands away from the sink to grasp his shirt collar. Dragging him closer towards me, my mind a chaotic mess.

"Exactly what it sounds like!" He breathe his breath fanning my face and I snort. Slowly dropping him from my grip of his collar.

I need answer, answer before I cease to be...

Shoving past Beau I reach for the door handle. But he grabs my arm spinning me around, his eyes glistening in the darkness. What was he planning to do to me. I felt a tingle of fear shoot up my spine, something telling me that I want to get very far away at the moment.

Struggling against his arm I try to pull away from him. But its like trying to wrestle my arm from an iron clamp. It wasn't letting me go that easily.

"Let's just leave, leave before Lancaster can get his hands back onto you!" Beau says dangerously.

"I'm just a split personality, it doesn't matter if we leave I'll still cease to be when this is all over and done with!" I tell him sharply narrowing my eyes at him. Something in me already starting to shift. I didn't like the way he wouldn't let go of me.

"No!" He snaps at me and I shiver he sounds insane and obsessed, like a stalker! Although, something inside me also craved that attention, this obsessed madness that had spawned in Beau! Something very dark inside of me craves the attention to passion that radiates off of him!

I shake his hand off and move it towards his head, taking it in between my hands! My mouth turned up in a smile and I felt something inside change. Feelings of immense joy and a sadistic desire to mess with him! To wrap him around my pinkie!

Pressing my mouth to the left side of his mouth just avoiding his lips a tease of a peek. His eyes soften a little, but then he just realized something he moves his hands up! Pulling at my hands on his face, they fall from his face, as he holds them at waist level.

He's breathing hard!

A smile tugs at the edges of my mouth!

"Why?! Don't you want me to touch you? To love you? To desire you?" I ask him a seductive purr enter my mouth and hanging in the air! Easily knocking the tension up a couple of notches more. He looks at me, like he's battling an internal battle!

I can't help the pout that takes up on my face. Behind it a cheshire grin concealed from view! I wanted him to fall into the madness to think of nothing but me!!

What was this? This animal that was lying under my skin, I didn't even feel the scared or upset girl that had once dwelled in my mind. My sister was nothing, I use to think of nothing but her. However, now all I can think about are these lovely twins and how I want to manipulate them and bend them to my will!

Was this what they meant by me fading away? Was this really who I was? Or who created me this sick twisted personality is the one that created me?

I could barely even think of details of my life that I had know like the back of my hand! Fading into this creature, this person might not be so bad!

"Don't play with me!" He growls pulling me closer, murmuring the words into my ear. In a seductively non-intentional manner that lite me on fire!

I purr my mouth opening and folding into a grin that streached lightly at the edges of my mouth. Into a foxy grin!

"Play with me!" I mimick his rustic tone and growl by his ear, giving it a good lick to get my point across, my tongue tracing the shell of his ear!

He lets out a low moan and I chuckle to myself, this was pure bliss to mess with him. Then in return to receive such a beautiful sound reply in response!

His fingers unraveled from around my wrist as he skims my thighs, working up towards my waist. Then along my side as his hand make a steady crawl up my body.

"You're not Nike, River is that you?" He ask me his voice showing a internal struggle between him and his desires.

I was still Nike, but I didn't quite feel like Nike at all, something in my body was slowly eroding away. My sensory motion weren't completely mind and I could tell neither were the thoughts or most of the words that came out of my mouth. 

So maybe in a sense I was no longer purely Nike but a mixture of Nike and River. Although, River was starting to become more prominent in my thoughts than my own. 

"I don't know. Who do you think I am? Who do you want me to be?" I ask him tilting my head to the side, the white gold locks running down my face as they slide over my left eye.

He looks away from me, his arms retracting from my body as he takes a step back in our limited space. I sigh and glare at him my eyes reflect in his now pitch black eyes. The golden hue of the iris twinkling back at me.

Shaking my head I turn away from him my hand twisting the door knob open easily. The light streams in and illuminates the darkness and Beau! He's looking at me when I turn around the warm light being blocked by my form.

"River don't do anything rash, you don't have to go along with Lancaster's plan! You can always change!" He says in a hurried voice, like he thought that it would reach me in time. 

I laugh my mouth turning up into a harsh smirk before I run a hand through my hair. My finger easily gliding through the silky texture. It felt good this insanity, it made me feel alive! My wolf felt alive, even though I knew I was fading and it seem like I was nothing more than a dream. 

I wonder if this dream wasn't more of a nightmare, and I was the heroine that is supposed to be rescued, but it turns out that I am the villain in this whole story.

"Plans, I do intend to follow through with those, don't worry your pretty head Beau, I'll dirty my hands of my own will and Lancaster's will! I might even for you if you'd ask me kindly!" I tell him before turning away from him. I had bigger fish to fry now!

Lancaster would be the first on my visit around this damned prison!


A/N: Short chapter almost a transition chapter between Nike and River (also change her name to River if anyone is wondering)

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