I - Paroxysm

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   Nike's POV

     "Prisoner Number Ninety-nine." That is what I was classified as a prisoner of The Wolf Den. One of the most infamous jails for Rouge Wolf. Run by a steel cold Alpha who's just the person to run the joint. To bad I don't really give a shit about all that.

    Sure I am a Rouge but I didn't ask to be one. I was just one of the many victims in the war for domination. I was just one of the only ones to survive you see. My family is dead my sister is promised to the Alpha that attack our pack. She probably in the worse situation.

  Standing up my standard black tank top on and a pair of baggy pants. Not my favorite choice of clothing but all my other stuff was in the wash and I'd be a while before I got it back. Which resulting in the standard prisoners garb for the Wolf Den prisoners. 

  I suppose prison life wasn't all together that bad. Sure you'd get the occasional rape attempts, maybe even someone trying to kill you. But I mean that wasn't much different from the Wolf world in a sense. Even more so I got the feeling from just being here for a couple of months that their is a sense of community among the now Ninety-nine prisoners that inhabit this place. 

  The main thing that the Wolf Den did was actually turn us Rouge into fighters. Mainly for the purpose of us finding another pack. People call the Wolf Den a prison, but it was more maybe of a correctional facility in reality I suppose. 

  But I still hated having someone tell me what to do orders were over rated. I was the Alpha daughter when in the pack the oldest daughter actually. It surprising that I am not in my sister shoes. Although, I was suppose to inherit the pack so my father wasn't about to see me off in a political marriage. 

  And looking at the problems the political marriage hadn't even secured an alliance with the pack it was suppose to. They wiped us out there were only a few survivors other than me and my sisters. But I am sure that they were tracked down and killed. 

  It was a dog eat dog world only we're animal and human. Leaving it to be a slightly more interesting game that we're able to play.  

   The world that I was born into made me sick. Pushing up from my chair I walk towards the guard his shirt was a dark red setting him apart from the grey and black that we prisoner are suppose to wear. 

  I was a little surprised I didn't have any meeting with anyone planned today. It wouldn't have been my sister, she always let me know ahead of time. Who was interested in getting some of my very precious time? 

    The one thing about this place that I hated was the fact that we are legally owned by Alpha Hendrix. The man in the back round that pulls the strings around here, and as such we're just property, were looked after by Alpha Athernon, to him we are just livestock that can be sold. 

  A lot of the time we are sold to pack that are in need of more fighters. This is why we are trained. It's all just a viscous cycle that repeats and just keeps repeating. No one ever learns from the past mistakes. 

  I don't understand why we always must fight for domination over someone. Or to take something from someone. I'd been trained from birth to be an Alpha but not a blood thirsty Alpha like most. But someone with compassion. 

  Maybe my family was wrong to have chosen compassion, but I believe they were just looking for the best in the world that we lived in. 

  My thoughts consumed me, I barley paid attention to where we were going. In till maybe it was to late. I found myself in an abandoned hallway. The blood rose to my head and I turn to run to get as far away from this situation as possible. 

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