Chapter Sixty-Eight

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"I brought you cookies," said Jen. "Why do you look like you're in absolute agony?"

Christine twisted herself to the appropriate angle, which made her feel a bit like a store mannequin.

"Because everyone's too stupid to save their lives."

"Oh, come on, C. Not everyone has an IQ of below 70."

"Rob confessed to me."

This was enough to grab her attention. Jen's lips spread into a smirk so wide, it looked like she was ready to consume the Merlion.

"He did?"

"Well, he didn't, not in those words. But he said he was back in the race. He wants to marry me, Jen."


"Don't laugh, dumbass!"

Jen looked like she was sucking on the world's sweetest lemon.

"I think you guys fit perfectly," she said.

"Oh, good," groused Christine, "so I should just marry him then and be done with it."

"Not so fast! What's the fun in that?"

"What... you... don't tell me you're rooting for the other two. If you do, I swear I'll eat your glasses."

"C, you don't even know the other two. At least give them some consideration before you make the choice."

"They're not used cars, Jen!"

"All the more reason to bide your time."

"Whatever," said Christine. "I need to call my mum."

This drew an even more dramatic gasp.

"Jen, I swear..."

"Don't mind me, I don't have to be here. Just do your thing, and call your mom, and don't let me bother you..."

Christine reached over and pulled Jen into the sorest, achiest hug she had ever given.

"W-woah," laughed Jen, blowing Christine's hair out her nose. "What's this for?"

"For everything," said Christine, nestling into her shoulder.

"Aww," said Jen, patting her head. "Looks like you really do have a heart."

But Jen's eyes were wet and her cheeks were trembling, and Christine could feel the exhaustion running through her body, like a flutter across her clavicle. She held her even tighter.

"I have more than a heart, Jen," she said. "I have my best friend."

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