66. Boom!!

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🚫 Plagiarism 🚫

This is not the first time someone copied my book. It has happened before but everytime it hurts the same. Every single writer puts so much effort to write a chapter and then Its just copied by someone. 

It hurts that people do this knowing how much it takes to write even 50 words! All my fellow writers out there can relate to this! I don't care whatever reasons might be, you never copy someones work!

This is the reason why I haven't posted in a month. I was sorting stuff.



"YOU FUCKING IDIOT! I yelled jumping out of my chair and punching his face repeatedly for five times until I was pulled off by Luciano.

Yes I counted. Big deal.

I look back at Luciano to find him smiling proudly and amusement showing in his eyes as Nikolai groaned touching his face which is starting to bruise.

"I'm quite enjoying this but I had to interrupt before you kill him. We need him for now so you can kill him later love. I won't stop you. Okay?" He smiled sweetly with his eyes full of love.

Is he mad?

Is my man mad?

"Seriously baby?" I laughed kissing his cheek.

"You two are fucking Psychos! Made for each other!" Nikolai glared at us making both of us laugh as thats very true.

"If you're done crying like a baby...Can we talk now?" Luciano smirked making Nikolai glare even though it was clear that he was not mad at all.

"Yes please. Lets be serious now." I settled back on the chair and started eating the delicious food.

"Okay. So tell me what happened?" Nikolai asked looking at us with a serious face.

Now he looks like a mafia Don with the same serious vibes Luciano has.

"Don't you already know what happened!? After all, it was done by you!" Luciano spat  glaring at him.

"Now, lets not jump into conclusions without any proof. Alright?" Nikolai smiled resting back against his chair.

The nerve of this guy...

"So you did not send your goons to kidnap me on the day of my race?" I asked folding my hands as i stared at him.

This asshole has the nerve to say that after doing the shit he has done to us.

And being the stupid person that i am, i just laughed with him a few minutes ago.

"I never said that I didn't try to kidnap you." He smirked making me mad as i hear a loud bang from besides me.


Just Luciano's fist kissing the table.

Nothing major.

The Fine Art Of Annoying A Mafia KingWhere stories live. Discover now