02: Core Memory #1

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Core Memory - The First Day We Met

The cafeteria buzzes with chatter as everyone settles down into their seats for lunch. I sit quietly, half listening to my friends, half in my one little world.

My friends were amazing, but could always talk on and on. I preferred silence. Finding a person who was okay with sitting in a comfortable silence was a must.

My gaze wonders around the cafeteria when I suddenly feel my heart flutter. A girl walks into the cafe, looking a little lost. Her warm brown eyes flicker around the room, her gaze meets mine, and my breathing stutters a bit. A warm tint of red brushes her cheeks and she quickly looks away from me and heads to the food line.

"Thats the new girl, I had her in my math class this morning. She seems really sweet but shy and quiet" My friend, Nate, explains to me, his eyes following my line of direction.

Without thinking, I abruptly stand up and walk my way over to the food line, right behind her.

She turns around when she notices my presence and it's like everything in the world stops, like time has slowed down. She stares up at me, her petite frame hidden in the shadows of my looming figure. I give her a bright smile and she mirrors it. Her smile stops my heart and I feel like an idiot the more I stand here without speaking.

"Hey. I'm Alex. I noticed you're new here and thought I'd introduce myself" I extend my hand and she places her tiny hand in my large one. Sparks fly up my forearm and I feel elephants stomp in my stomach.

"Oh hi! I'm Ally. Is it that obvious that I'm the new girl?" She lightly laughs and I melt at the angelic sound.

"No! Not at all. It's just that I've never seen such a beautiful face around here before. You did look a little lost though, but that's not a bad thing! It's cute. Uh, you're cute. Really cute." I stumble on my words and she giggles.

"I think you're cute too Alex" The way she innocently says my name makes me want to burst with joy.

"I was maybe wondering if you wanted to come sit with me and my friends. I promise they're a lot cooler than me" I joke and point over my shoulder at the group of two guys and two girls sitting a few tables away from where we're standing.

"Sure. I'd love to. Thanks" She grabs her tray and follows me back to our table. I shove Nate out of his chair and make room for Ally to sit beside me. She giggles again and I blush a deep red.

"Everyone, this is Ally. She's new here so let's try not to scare her off okay?" I give everyone a stern look and of course they roll their eyes playfully.

I turn to a blushing Ally, "Ally, this is Nate, Eric, Julia and Raven. Don't let their silence right now fool you, this bunch of dumbasses are loud as shit" I explain to her, pointing to each of my friends as I introduce them.

"Hey! Who are you calling a dumbass?" Eric whines and we all laugh at his stupid behaviour. Eric is the jokester of the group. Always keeping it light and funny.

"Well hello Ally! I'm Eric. The funny, charming, handsomely good looking one that is bound to steal your heart away one stupid pun at a time! What do you say sweetheart, my place at 8?" Eric flirts and I feel a wave of jealousy wash over me. I hope she doesn't actually fall for this.

"How about I hear one of your puns first..." Ally suggests with a smirk.

"Alright babe. What did the grape say after it got stepped on?" He asks her and she smiles and shrugs her shoulders.

"Nothing. He just let out a little wine!" He bursts out laughing at his own joke and we all collectively groan and shake our heads at his behaviour.

"I think you have to keep trying. My heart is still mine" Ally tells him and he pouts.

"I'll get you to fall for me Ally! Trust me, this clown will win your heart in no time" Eric yells triumphantly.

"You just called yourself a clown" Nate points out and Eric falters.

"Wait. I didn't mean that. I'm not a clown. Ally, I swear I'm not a clown. But if there's any chance you are into clowns, then I'll definitely be your clown" He shamelessly flirts. Ally shakes her head with a giggle.

"No, sorry Eric. Clowns just don't do it for me. I'm more into... nerds" She shyly pauses before explaining her type. My eyes widen a bit at her confession. Do I actually have a chance?

"Aww damn babe. You're killing me here. Wait a minute! Our boy Alex over here is one of the nerd-iest guys I know!" Eric exclaims and I shoot him a glare. It's not really a compliment to be called a nerd in front of a really pretty girl. There goes my chances. She's definitely not into nerds like me.

She looks me up and down and smiles softly. She holds my gaze and for the second time today, I feel like time just about stops.

"I look forward to getting to know you..." She pauses, leaning closer to me, "nerd."


Thoughts on this chapter?

How is everyone liking the story so far? I know it is all very short but I promise some chapters will be longer than these ones.

Next update: Wednesday!

Vote and comment what you think.


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