16: Core Memory #8

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Core Memory - The Proposal

I fiddle with the ring box in my suit jacket pocket, anxiously going over everything that could go wrong today.

"Calm down Alex. She's going to say yes" Eric reassures me, his hand cupping my shoulder. I shrug his hand off and look at him worriedly.

"What if she's not ready? She could still say no. What if she doesn't see me as husband material? What if she's secretly been wanting to break up but hasn't told me? What if she hates the ring? Oh god what if she doesn't love me anymore?" I anxiously ramble and Nate gives me a stern look.

"This is Ally we are talking about. Ally is ready for this, trust me. When she's hanging out with Raven and Julia, all they talk about is their future weddings. Ally loves you more than life itself. You have nothing to worry about. And if she really hates the ring, you can go out and exchange it. No big deal. Stop stressing" Nate reassures me and I take a deep breath. That's exactly what I needed to hear.

"You need to get rid of your nerves, you have a track history of fucking up important milestones in your relationship with her so let's try to change that" Eric teases and I shoot him a glare. I really freaking hate this guy sometimes.

"Love you too buddy" Eric mumbles as Nate and him take their places behind a bush. Nate gives me the signal, telling me she's coming.

I'm standing on a cliff side that's overlooking the ocean below us. The sun is out today and the clouds contrast nicely with the brilliant blue sky.

I planned for Ally to have a girls day, complete with getting her nails and hair done, massages and facials and a relaxing picnic afternoon with her girls. What she doesn't know is that I'll be crashing her relaxing picnic and proposing. And if everything goes to plan, she'll say yes.

I've gotten the help of all my friends. Raven and Julia distract Ally for the morning while Nate, Eric and I set up the romantic picnic on the cliff side.

And now it's showtime. Here goes nothing.

Ally walks up the dirt covered path and is carefully walking, her hands wrapped in Julia's and Raven's securely. A blindfold is situated over her eyes and a weary smile is on her face.

"Guys, I really don't understand why the blindfold is necessary" Ally grumbles as she almost trips over her own feet. Julia and Raven stay quiet and lead her to stand right in front of me. They let go of Ally and run off towards where Eric and Nate are already hiding.

"Guys! Where'd you go? Oh my gosh I'm going to so kill you after this. If you're planning on scaring me it's not going to-" Ally is cut off when she feels my hands untying the blindfold.

"Alex?" She whispers as the blindfold falls away from her face and her beautiful brown eyes meet mine. I smile nervously at her and she smiles back.

"Hey Ally" I greet and she giggles softly. I take her tiny hands in mine and run my thumbs over her knuckles softly, her hands slightly shaking.

"You look beautiful sweetheart. I like the nails" I compliment her and she giggles excitedly.

"Thank you! I got the emerald green because it reminds me of your eyes" She explains and I swear my heart bursted right at that moment. I love her so much. I take a deep inhale of breath before I begin my speech.

"When you first caught my eye two years ago in our high school cafeteria, I would've never imagined I'd be standing here today, with you as my girlfriend. But I did know, the moment our eyes caught each other's, that you would be something special, that you'd change my life. Ally, you've taught me how to love and how to accept love, you've taught me patience and kindness and each and every day I spend with you, I learn something new from you. You are my best friend, my soulmate, and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. You're the one for me, sweetheart. My heart is forever yours. So with that being said, Ally..." I pause as I kneel down on one, pulling the square ring box out of my suit jacket. I look up at Ally who has tears running down her face and her hands are covering her mouth in shock. Hopefully these are happy tears. I think to myself as I open the ring box and stare at her lovingly.

"Sweetheart, will you marry me?"

She nods her head excitedly as she sniffles back some tears and she extends her left hand to me. I gently take her shaky hand in mine and slip on the ring. The moment the ring is secured on her finger, she jumps on me. Her arms wrapping around my neck and her legs wrapping around my waist. I wrap my arms around her middle and pull her even closer to me, connecting our lips in a passionate kiss.

"I love you so much Alex" Ally cries as she pulls away from my lips. I gently wipe her tears away with my thumb and she leans her head onto my shoulder.

"You okay Ally?" I ask as she silently continues to rest her head on my shoulder. She nods her head and distantly responds.

"I just can't believe we're finally getting married." When she finishes her sentence, the excitement builds and she jumps out of my arms and bounces up and down.

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED" She yells happily as she flings her hands up.

Nate, Raven, Eric and Julia rush out from where they were hiding and the girls tackle Ally while Eric tackles me.

Eric takes me down onto the ground and ruffles up my hair while shouting congrats at the top of his lungs. Nate pushes him off of me and helps me back up to my feet.

"Congratulations Alex. You did good" Nate sincerely states as we all turn to look at Raven and Julia gushing over Ally's ring.

"Yeah Alex, you are one lucky bastard. Ally is just-"

"Finish that sentence and let's see what happens" I warn Eric. He's seriously gotta stop checking out my girl.

"I was going to say a sweet, kind girl." Eric lies and Nate and I laugh as he leaves us to go check out Ally's ring.

Raven and Julia come up to me and surround me in a big hug.

"That was so romantic Alex. I was over here crying. If the dude I'm marrying doesn't propose like this than I don't want him" Julia says and Eric perks up from a few feet away.

"I'll make sure to make our proposal so much more romantic than this baby!" Eric shouts and Julia rolls her eyes.

"Pfft, like I'd marry you! Never going to happen buddy" Julia shouts back and Eric fakes a pout. Or at least I think it's fake. Eric always is so jokey that you can never tell when something really bothers him or not.

Julia and Eric still haven't gotten together. Every time one of them gets out of a relationship, the other starts one. It's the typical right person wrong time situation.

"Alright bitches, let's go out, get some drinks and celebrate this engagement!" Raven cheers and we all agree and start to make our way down the pathway and towards the parking lot.

Ally grabs my hand so we can walk hand in hand. She looks up at me with her twinkling brown eyes.

"What is it my love?" I ask her and she breaks out into a smile.

"I'm just so incredibly happy and it's all because of you" She whispers as she leans up to kiss my cheek. She pulls away and continues walking as I blush a deep red from her confession.

My heart flutters at the thought of making her happy. That's all I want to do. Till the day I die I will be sure to make Ally the happiest girl ever. I love her so much that I'd do anything, anything to see her continuously smile like this.


I love this chapter!! Aren't Ally and Alex the cutest?


this is the calm before the storm.

You've been warned.

Vote and comment what you think!

Next update: Sunday!

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