09: Journal Entry #5

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Journal Entry #5

November 18th

Two months since

Today was thanksgiving. I finally left the apartment, showered, dressed and looked presentable enough for a nice meal. Nate and Raven hosted a "friendsgiving" like they do every year. The only person missing was you. Our friends are doing okay. They miss you, a lot, but considering how I am, they are doing fine. Julia brought a guy she was seeing. His name is Sam. Eric didn't look too happy last night. I think you were right when you guessed all those years back that Eric had a thing for Julia. I never saw it till last night. You were always right, god it was impressive really. In the spirit of a holiday I don't really feel like celebrating without you, I'm going to write down everything I am thankful for. My therapist thought it would be a good idea to focus on the good rather than well you know. I am thankful for you, Ally. I am so thankful for you blessing my life. You taught me how to love, how to be patient, how to work hard, how to be a better version of myself. I'm thankful for the time I got to spend with you. Every minute spent with you were the best minutes of my life and I'm thankful I got to spend the short period of my life with you. I'm also thankful for our friends. I don't know what I would do without them. They've been so helpful and patient with me during all of this and we really have great friends Ally. I don't think our friend group will ever be the same without you. I wish you were here tonight. You always loved cooking and baking with the girls at this time of year. They still wear the friendship rings you three always wore together. I don't think they'll ever take them off. You're still here with us Ally, if not physically, than in spirit. You'll always be in our hearts. In my heart. I love you Sweetheart. Happy thanksgiving.

Forever yours, alex

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