12 | Damon

563 18 1


- Three days pass, Tuesday -

Even though it was a while ago, I can't seem to get drunk Astrid out of my head. The way she giggled and grand my arm to steady herself. Her smile is so warm and cute, she should do it more often. I thought she was as emotional as a brick, and super serious. But maybe if I push her a little bit I could see the happier side of herself.

"Boss." Vill says, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yea?" I say wiping my hands with a rag.

"Do you remember that fighting ring?" He asks me.

Of course I do. That ring is terrible. We haven't done anything to them yet to stop it, but we will if it gets out of hand. "Yea, why?" I answer standing up.

"Well, they stopped for a while but then picked up again and now it's worse." He states. Vill is our spy. We sent him there to keep an eye on them. And to keep his cover, only I know about him. He is only in the shop late at night.

"How is it worse?" I asked.

"There hasn't been much of it, only one match so far, but there were four people in the ring: two women and two men. All fighting each other." He states.

"Disgusting. How bad was it?" I ask.

"Well, Vince's tribute lost, badly. Rowan's won the whole thing, she took out the two men at the same time. She was a beast." Vill says. "What do you want to do about it?"

"I'm not sure yet." I admit. "Keep watching." I say.

"Yes, Sir." He says and walks out.

I continue to work on the car and think. Rowan Device, Hustlers leader. They do the entire nine yards of gang work. They don't know how to keep their mouth shut. The Crips and I hate them, along with just about everyone else in the West Coast. When we first heard of the fighting, it was just girls fighting girls, and a separate fight for guys. But now that it's together, the Crips need to step in. If women start to get really hurt, or god forbid killed, then the Crips will destroy every part of that building.

But how?

Run, Fight, RepeatDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora