29 | Damon

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- 12:14 am -

When we pull into town, there are cops everywhere. They're looking for something, or someone. We pull into the shop and a round of cops are waiting for us. The front doors are open. They went through my shop. God I hate cops. I park my bike and get off.

"Sheriff! Two times in one day!" I say sarcastically.

"Have you seen this girl?" He asks, shoving a picture of a younger Astrid in my face.

"I haven't, but she is cute." I mock.

He grunts. "You see her, bring her in." He says before walking away.

"She must be in big trouble to have the hle town looking for her." I chuckle.

"She is just missing." He turns to look at me, face red with anger.

"Alright." I say putting my hands in the air. "Oh and Sheriff." Turns to me again. "Don't look through my shop. Especially when I'm not here." I say coldly.

He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it. He walks away, him and his crew drive off. My crew stands around me. "Go on guys. Go celebrate." I say.

"You sure you don't want to come along?" Josh asks me.

"I'm sure. Make sure you can drive yourselves home." I say. None of them move. "I'm serious. Go have fun!" I exclaim.

They all hoot and holler and then all drive out. While I take my disgusting self and walk to the showers. I feel so ashamed of myself. How could I do that? I could- should have just beaten Rowan until he was dead instead of amusing him and fighting Astrid. I went against everything I stand for. But it was for the best. I need to keep reminding myself this so I don't go insane. I saved her. Now the fighting is fully shut down. Maybe now Rowan will keep his mouth shut.

The warm water hits my back, running down my legs. I look down to the drain, blood mixed with water swirls around it. Parts of my body are really sore from where Astrid hit me. She is so brawny. Bruises begin to show on my skin in a yellow green color. But with all the pain I'm in, it's not enough. I deserve more. What I did was terrible! What was I thinking?! Laying my hands on a female in vain?! Astrid nonetheless...

Images flash through my mind. The way I held her on my shoulders and slammed her onto the ground. I almost had a heart attack during the five seconds she was down. Or when I held her in a choke hold hoping she was tap out. And even when I knocked her out cold!

And now she is missing! Could she be hurt? Did I kill her?! No! She was alive when I left. That guy had his arms around her waist. That was the first time I ever felt the pain of jealousy.

My mind is so clouded. It's times like this I want a drink to drown them out. 

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