22 | Astrid

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"I'm sorry." He breathed before nailing me in the side. My ribs still hurt from a few weeks ago. I can tell he isn't using his full power. I didn't expect him to hit me. I feel his hits get harder.

I hit him hard in the side of the neck. It stunned him a little just enough to jump up and strike him in the nose, but he caught my fist and twists it, throwing me onto the ground. He can't even look at me. I scramble to my feet.

We jab at each other and I find he is fast, and strong. He is almost like a male me in the ring. We guess each other's moves and prevent them. So for a while we are just dodging each other. But I get behind him and kick the back of his knee hard so he is on his knees. I put his neck in the crook of my elbow and squeeze hard so he either taps or passes out. My legs are wrapped around his arms to keep them down.

But he is strong, and gets to his feet. He pushes his arms free and I'm clinging to his torso. His hands find their way to my shoulders and he swings me onto my back on the floor.

I can't breath. The impact knocked all the air out of my lungs and out of the room. I stare to the ceiling hoping that I'm dieing. I think of the life I lived. I escaped my family to enjoy my life. Got my share of the money from the fights to buy my dream car. I was able to see Italy, Russia, Mexico. I lived more of a life than most people. Sometimes it was unbearable. But I regret nothing. I was happy for a long time before the storm. My life was worth living.

Just as I accept my death, my mother.flashes into my mind. Then Coen. My father is there too. Then Clarles is my sight as if he is standing over me. Next Nicole and her family are around me. I can't leave yet. I need to live. For Charles, for my family. Now I'm afraid of death.

I look around to see Damon standing over me. It felt like I was down for hours. But I must have been only down for seconds, they would have given the victory to Damon if I was down for ten seconds. Relief washes over him when I stagger to my feet. Now that I felt a small side of death, I am angry. Full of fury, and power. I go at him.

"Let me-" He whispers looking into my eyes.

I cut him off by grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back, pushing it up his shoulder blades. He cries out in pain. I shove his arm up his back hard and fast and then let go. He holds his arm limp. I see clear anger in his eyes. He comes at me but before he can do anything I uppercut at his jaw and he falls to the ground.

"One! Two!" The ref begins to count. "Three! Four!"

But he rises to his feet. "Oh god! Why can't you just stay down!" I mutter. Before he can fully come back to his senses, I pick him up and across my shoulders. He is tall, heavy, and bulky. But I manage to hold him up for a good five ish seconds before I drop him right onto his back.

He cries in pain again. Damon thrashes on the ground, arching his back in pain and agony. After a few moments the second bell rings. I listen to the crowd, they are wild. Man, I do like when the crow cheers for me. I walk myself to my corner. I look to Rowan. He nods his head.

I think I won. The first round, I was better, and the second round was questionable. But my fingers are crossed. I sit on my stool as I am provided with water, tips, and a rag dragging across my sweaty skin. I look at Damon, he looks so mad. I can't help the small laugh that escapes my lips. He hears and locks his angry eyes with mine. After a minute or two of the stare down, the third round begins. 

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