Chapter 3

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When Maya finally managed to escape all the people, overly excited sister and annoyingly protective brothers as well as a father who wouldn't let her be around someone other than her siblings for more than five minutes, she found herself in the garden. The garden was a peaceful place that she had grown to appreciate since whenever she went to find a solitary place, her siblings would first look in her room or at the lake so when she was in neither place, she would hide in the garden. So far, none of her family other than Willas knew of her secret hiding place in the garden but he was very good at keeping it a secret since he respected her wish for privacy.

Skipping to the little corner in the garden where you could only get if you knew where to look, Maya pushed past the prickly rose branch into the small ten by ten area. The ground was carpeted in moss, one walls being that of the stone wall that separated the garden from the walkway and the other three were entirely thick rose and hydrangea bushes. There were two small piles of flat stones that Maya had lugged there (making Loras carry them from the lake, telling him it was for another part of the garden) and had made into two small stone seats.

"There you are Lady Maya," a small voice chirped.

Maya looked from beneath her auburn hair to see her dear friend and companion, Lillia Arryn sitting on one of the stone seats. Lillia had been living with the Tyrells for the past year and she had still not gotten used to calling Maya by her real name. Being about eleven years old, the girl was very spunky for her age but very polite which was something that Maya loved about her. Just like Margaery she was gentle, ladylike and polite but unlike Margaery, Lillia had more spunk and energy. Just as Margaery had spunk in her, she had a little more grace while Lillia had more of the energy and toughness, probably preferring to spar with Maya's brothers than have sewing lessons with the girls.

Of course, Maya and Margaery loved pointing out Lillia's crush on their brother Loras. Of course, they also equally loved teasing Loras about it since they knew that their youngest brother did have an attraction toward Lillia though he wasn't as obvious.

"Just Maya," The girl chuckled, coming to sit opposite Lillia. "It's like me calling you Lady Lillia."
Lillia's lime green eyes widened and Maya couldn't help but think that the girl looked like a doe with her cute pointy chin, freckles button nose, rosy round cheeks and pale golden hair that was cut short just above her shoulders.

"But I am not a lady," Lillia pointed out. "It wouldn't be proper for you to call me such."
Maya gave Lillia a 'no nonsense' look which made Lillia smirk mischievously. "You are just as much a lady as I am Lil. You were just placed as my companion because I can keep up with your energy better than your mother."
Lillia shrugged, "So, how was it meeting all the lords and ladies of Westeros."
"It wasn't every lord and lady," Maya pointed out as she sat down.

"All the important ones!" Lillia objected.

Maya shrugged a she leant back against the brick wall, "other than the king, we weren't introduced to anyone. That is what is going to happen tonight at the banquet."
Lillia jumped from her spot, her green eyes blazing with excitement, "Speaking of which! I asked Willas's opinion on your outfit for the banquet."
"Why would you ask Willas of all people?"

"Because, if I asked Garlan, he would say anything would look nice. And Margaery already got to choose your dress for this morning." Lillia replied, planting her hands on her hips.

Maya smirked, "Why didn't you ask Loras?"
The Arryn girl blushed bright crimson and began to twiddle her fingers, "I.... erm.... I mean.... Uh....You have to dance with Willas tonight! You don't want to wear something red and he wear orange! You have to at least match somewhat!"
Maya chuckled, "Alright Lil, I won't tease you anymore. But if I am going to dance with Willas for the greeting dance, you will be attending."
Lillia froze in her tracks, having been about to depart from the cove, "Where is this leading to?"
The Tyrell girl smirked. Lillia knew Maya enough to know that Maya was worse than Margaery when it came to deals. Maya always drove a hard bargain and what was worse, was that there was no way you couldn't agree with her because if you didn't, she would refuse to do her part and she had inherited the Tyrell stubbornness.

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