Chapter 6

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"So... I hope we didn't miscommunicate," Maya stuttered as she stared at the door that was the only thing separating her from the brothel of Kings Landing.

The woman, Zarina, smiled at the rather flustered and horrified girl. "Don't worry. I promised that you would not feel uncomfortable working here. There is a parlor on the second floor. That is where the guests go to eat before or after their stay. No inappropriate behavior is allowed in there. Other than that, you will help with the washing, hanging the sheets to air and collecting the sheets. However, you will only have to remove sheets after the customers have departed. I have been working here doing those same duties here for five years and I have only run into someone having sex once and it was because they were so quiet, I didn't think anyone was in the room."

Maya let out a shaky breath, trying to calm her pent-up nerves. "Okay... erm... how will... the guests..."

"They will know you are off limits by a veil or a mask," Zarina explained. "I only take my veil off when I am either out or there are no guests around. If they see you wearing a mask or a veil or if the lower half of your face is concealed, that means you are off limits. There are a few men who will try to pay handsomely to get their way. It happened once to me but when the man saw my scar, he took it back. You can make up a story... like you have no lips or something and they will leave you alone."

"Anything else I have to do in order to get this job?" Maya inquired. "Credentials or something?"

Zarina chuckled, "No. Though, it would be nice to know why you came to Kings Landing. Helps to make bonds and build trust."

Maya pursed her lips, "I... was almost raped back home... my brothers and father found it fit to send me somewhere where I wasn't known... at least until I grew up and possibly... found a husband or became less... desirable. I am not sure what he meant by that."

Zarina smiled at the innocent girl. Sixteen years old and she didn't realize that she would make any man blush at her luscious curves, gorgeous eyes and perfect hair.

"Well, until you see it fit to leave or return home, this will be your new home," Zarina told her. "I sleep up on the roof at night. It is never too cold at night and it smells less than indoors. Come, I'll show you."

Zarina led the girl up the stairs and Maya found with joy that they only ran into a prostitute once or twice, but they were dressed enough that Maya didn't feel uncomfortable. She was thankful the men had the decency to have their pants on while the girls had only undergarments on, if that.

Once they reached the roof, Maya saw that it was flat with potted plants lining the small roof. There were a couple of hammocks to one side, a pile of pillows in a corner and across from the stairs at the other side of the roof were a few mattresses on the floor.

"All the prostitutes are either working at night or have their own homes so it will just be you and me up here," Zarina explained. "I like to spread out though and Miss Veer, she runs the place, she likes to change the bedding and mattresses every month... they are used quite roughly so I bring them up here."

Maya spied a bed that was a little set off from the others and dropped her bag on the red sheets.

"Make yourself comfortable," Zarina told her with a smile, "I will head downstairs to grab some food. I will be right back."

Maya sat down on the bed and pulled out her bag's contents. She slipped her notebook that she used to sketch, write dancing plans and moves or just to write letters. This she slipped under the mattress between the floor and the mattress before pulling out her clothes and setting them in a small basket at the end of the bed.

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