Chapter 11

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It was a beautiful morning at Kings landing. The sun was shining, the breeze blowing and in the eyes of Cersei Lannister, it could not be a better day and in the eyes of Jaime Lannister, it could not get any worse. Maya lay wrapped up in a cloak that was much too hot for this southern climate, hiding beneath the feet of Loras and Margaery who had agreed to not mention her peculiar hidden presence there, for reasons they were not aware of, but they trusted their big sister enough to not question her strange behavior.

Maya had one eye peering through the slit of her hood that she didn't keep wrapped tight around herself. She could see the ring below and the Mountain walking back and forth. She wanted to rip that man from the head to the feet for his pompous snobbish ego he possessed. Out of the corner of her eye she spied Oberyn Martell stride into the ring with a long spear in his hand and while he wore no helmet (just how stupid was he!?), he did look much more sober than the girl was expecting. Perhaps he was considering her words that she had so "politely" lashed out at him the night before.

Maya could barely hear anything through the thick fabric of her cloak, but she recognized the loud voice of the High Sparrow announce the beginning of the fight and she bit her lip when the two men ran at each other. it was the kind of day where she wanted to sit on the very edge of her seat and grip the arms of her seat in order to not notice the twisting feeling in her gut but as fate had it, and at Evelyn's suggestion, the girl lay quiet and unobserved beneath the very bottom bench, waiting to see if she needed to intervene. She sighed in relief when she felt a faint breeze wash over, realizing that Nanteza had purposely changed said direction of the wind in accordance with their plan. The fight was well matched, both the Mountain and the Prince were worthy opponents. However, Oberyn soon got the upper hand with his quick maneuvers and swift escapes. Before long, the Prince began to shout at the Mountain and Maya could not blame the man for the things that he said.

"Say her name! Elia Martell. You raped her, you murdered her ! You killed her children ," the furious Prince growled as he took a swipe at the large man's leg.

Maya cringed at the cry of pain that came from the Mountain. Knowing the Prince, that spear was probably sharp enough to cut steel. Maya slowly moved in her wrapped tortilla state until she was able to stick her two hands out and clenching her hands into fists, extended only her pointer and middle fingers in dual peace signs before she slowly began to move them to the rhythm of the Mountain's arms. Meanwhile, Oberyn continued to repeat those words while taking jabs at the Mountain when all of a sudden, a second weapon appeared in the Mountain's hand ... along dagger... An illegal second weapon! Maya smirked. That worked. The Mountain had just forfeited the match to Oberyn Martell!

While the Mountain seemed just as surprised by the appearance of the second weapon as everyone else was, he chose to use it anyway and slashed at the unexpecting Prince. Oberyn narrowly avoided the dagger but the Mountain caught him beneath the legs with his foot and tripped him. The large man immediately towered over the Prince and his large hands grabbed Oberyn's skull .

"Elia Martel." the Mountain taunted "I raped her, I murdered her... I killed her children."

Maya glared. Okay, that was it. Reaching out with her boot, she tapped her brother and sister in the leg and immediately, they moved their feet to the side so that the girl could roll out when she needed to. Just when the Mountain was about to put enough pressure on the prince's skull to make him bleed, a deep so long sound split the air and the Mountain was thrown back by an unknown force. The crowd gasped and their eyes fell on the object protruding from the Mountain's shoulders, the thing that had knocked him back... a jet-black arrow of pure metal. Maya sighed. Great shot Evelyn!

It was like everyone forgot to breathe as they looked around for the source of the Archer until they all spied the dark figure who stood crouched on the wall that overlooked the ring. The black figure, masked and poised like an assassin gave off an eerie dominance and many people present went pale at the sight of the massive iron bow that the stranger held in one hand. Rising to their full height, the person was not very tall but by the way their eyes were shadowed by the hood up on their head seemed to Pierce a person's soul, made up for the lack of height. As calm as the cat, the stranger strode towards the Mountain who had just pulled the arrow from his shoulder and Oberyn who had gotten to his feet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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