Ch. 12: It's a Girl?

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*Y/n POV*

This morning I still woke up at my normal early time, not because I was getting ready for the maze, but to go see Minho and Thomas before they left. I quickly put some shoes on and jogged out to the maze door entrance.

There waiting were Minho and Thomas, along with Ben and a couple of other runners.

"Hey guys!" I said, happily approaching the two of them. Both of them turned around to look at me with confused expressions written on their faces.

"Uh hey. What are you doing out here? I thought you weren't running anymore?" Minho asked.

"I'm not, I just came to see you guys before you left"

"Oh, well thanks."

"So Thomas, you excited for your first real day of running the maze?" I asked.

"Yeah, kinda nervous but mostly excited."

"No need to be nervous, just try not to get stung or you'll end up like me." I said jokingly. Both of them gave me a serious 'don't joke about that' look, I just rolled my eyes.

"Would you two please learn to lighten up, I'm kidding."

"Well maybe don't joke about your near death experience y/n." Minho said.


The ground began to shake and a loud screeching noise echoed through the glade, signaling that the maze doors were opening. After a few seconds, the doors were opened completely, which meant it was time for them to leave.

"Well, guess that's our cue." Minho said.

"Guess so. Have fun while I get to sit here and do nothing all day." I replied to him sarcastically.

"You're so dramatic, it's not that bad." Minho laughed. I laughed too, and pulled him and Thomas into a quick hug before skipping back to my room.

Since I still technically had an hour until I everyone else was supposed to be awake, I decided to go back to sleep. It was peaceful until I was awakened by a loud clanging of pots and pans. I looked up angrily to see Frypan standing in my doorway.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead. Alby told me to come wake you up." he stated.

"Why couldn't he do it himself? He's always telling everybody else to do his klunk for him." I complained.

"He is first in command.."

"Ugh whatever. Tell him I'll be there in a few."

Frypan nodded and left my room. I feel back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling for a few moments before deciding I was ready to get up again. I did my normal routine, but instead of putting on runners gear, I just threw on some shorts and a tshirt with my shoes. The shirt was a bit on the smaller side since it was from a couple years ago, so it was kind of cropped. But I don't really care, it's hot today anyway.

I stepped out of my room, shielding my eyes from the hot sun, and made my way over to the homestead where everyone was eating breakfast. The moment I stepped in, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. They were all staring at me like I was a piece of meat. I guess I forgot to mention, this is the first time in a long time that I've worn this minimal amount of clothing.

Forbidden love: A Minho Maze Runner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now