Chapter 3: greenie

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*Minho's POV*
Y/n was finally on time waking up this morning, so we got to leave at a decent time. Basically the entire day she just kept talking about how excited she was to meet the greenie, because she really "felt like things were gonna be different" with this one, whatever that's supposed to mean.

"No Minho I'm telling you, I really think this one isn't gonna be like the rest of them." She said.
"Sure y/n whatever you say. He's probably just gonna be confused and scared just like the rest of us we're when we first got here. And then Alby's gonna give him the whole 'don't mess with y/n' speech and he's gonna be even more terrified." I replied earning  a glare  from her.
"Fine then, don't believe me. You'll see what I mean eventually."

"Hmm." this response made her even more annoyed.
"Alright fine. You know what?" she said turning to face me,
"How bout this. If I'm right, and this greenie is 'different' somehow, then you owe me all your desserts for two weeks."  she proudly said.
"That depends on what 'different' means in this situation." I questioned raising my eyebrows.
"In other words, if I'm able to actually make some type of connection with this guy and he wants to be friends and isn't scared off by Alby like everyone else."

"Ok, well what's the time frame though? Like how long do you have to make a "connection" with him?"
" the time the next greenie gets here, so like a month. Deal?" she questioned with her hand out for me to shake.
"Deal." I said with a smirk.
"But," I started.
"O my gosh" she said knowing I wanted something too if I was right.
"If I'm right, then... you have to kiss me."
"What?! Eww no I'm not doing that!" she yelled pulling her hand away before we shook on it.
"Wow, I'm offended you really said eww. Am I really that disgusting." I said sarcastically.
"No I just- I'm not doing that, it's weird."
"Fine. Then I guess I'll just have to tell Alby that you broke the-"
"NO! I'll do it just pleaseeee don't tell him! He'll kill me!" She pleaded as she held her hand out again. I smirked at her.
"It's a deal."
"I hate you." She mumbled.
"Oh please, it's impossible to hate me." I said.
"Yeah just keep telling yourself that."

Then we started walking back to the glade. After a long silence she asked,
"Why do you even wanna kiss me anyways?"
My breath hitched in my throat and I could feel my face reddening slightly. I cleared my throat and answered,
"Uh I-I don't. I just uh...couldn't think of anything else." I cringed at the dumb excuse but hoped she believed it.
"You couldn't think of anything else besides getting me to kiss you?" she asked suspiciously.
"Yes?" It sounded more like a question than an answer.
She hesitated for a moment and turned to look up at me so she could see my face. She studied me intently, searching my eyes for any signs of a lie. I gulped nervously waiting for her to say something.

After what had felt like forever, she finally turned away, shrugging her shoulders and replied,
"I don't believe you. But I'll just pretend it's because you actually couldn't think of anything else, and not because you have a crush on your best friend. But if you did I wouldn't blame you, I mean look at me." she said posing and flipping her hair.
"And you say I'm the arrogant one." I laughed, half because it was funny, and half because I was glad she didn't fully suspect anything. At least I don't think she does.

***time skip to the bonfire***

"Where is the greenie anyways? I haven't seen him this whole time." I asked.
"Yea I really wanna meet him." Y/n said happily as she bounced up and down.
"Oh he's with Alby getting the tour...and the lecture." Newt replied.
"Oh my gosh. You know I really think it's his goal in life to ruin mine." Y/n said as she got up and rolled her eyes. "I'm going for a walk." She said before she left.

*y/n POV*
I got up from my seat, frustrated that Alby always gave the lecture about not being allowed to date me to the new greenie. Every. Single. One. It was really getting on my nerves because even though I knew he'd do it, I still had hope that he wouldn't, but I was wrong.
I was on my way to the deadheads when I walked past Alby.
"Hm look who it is." I said annoyed.
"Why are you in such a bad mood?" he asked confused at my snappy behavior.
"Why do you always have to make every glader hate me?"
"Every time we get a new greenie, you always give the stupid lecture about staying away from me and scare them off. Why do you think I only have two friends? Newt and Minho are the only ones you didn't scare away!" I yelled frustrated.

"Y/n, I'm doing it to protect you. I don't want something to happen to you and I know how boys can be. Especially considering you're the only girl here, that's even more of a chance they might try something."
"Whatever." I huffed as I walked away. I heard him call after me, but I just ignored him and kept walking.

As I reached the deadheads, I was about to sit down when I saw a bunny near by. I slowly began creeping up to it making sure it didn't see me, but then I stepped on a branch causing it to crack, and the bunny to run. I began chasing it through the woods. As I ran my focus was on the bunny, and not my other surroundings. So obviously I didn't notice the person coming my way until I ran into them.

Because of the speed that I was running, when I ran into the person it caused me to fall to the ground. But before I did, I tried grabbing onto whatever I could, which in this case was someone's shirt, causing the other person to fall with me. I yelped and closed my eyes as I felt my back hit the ground, along with the weight of another person falling on top of me.
"Owww." I groaned.
"Oh my gosh I-I'm so sorry I didn't see you. Are you ok? Are you hurt?" The person asked frantically as he lifted himself up slightly. I opened my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows not recognizing the voice.

When I opened my eyes, I was met with a gorgeous boy with dark brown hair and concerned, yet welcoming, brown eyes. Along with a few cute freckles dotted around his face. I looked down at my hands seeing that they were resting on his firm chest. I raised my eyebrows and smiled slightly as I no longer felt pain, but a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart.
"Uh y-yeah I'm you're pretty." I said still mesmerized. He chuckled and I saw a slight twinkle in his eyes as he replied,
"So are you."
"Well thank you." I smiled.

We just laid there staring at each other until we both finally snapped back to reality and realized the position we were in.
"Oh shoot Uh sorry." he said with pink slightly brushing his cheeks as he quickly stood up holding his hand out for you.
"No it's fine. It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention." There was a silence before I spoke again.
"So you're the new greenie?"
"Yeah that's what everyone keeps calling me." He replied shrugging.
"What's your name?" We both asked at the same time. He laughed,
"You first."
"I'm y/n. And you are?"

Forbidden love: A Minho Maze Runner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now