New Version

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Hello everyone, it's been a long time. 

I have been on a long break and you have not seen any new book from me in a while. Those that you did saw were later taken down and no longer exist. What can I say, it has been a tough year for me. I was having a hard time keeping up with my university life. I haven't been responsive on wattpad either. But believe me when I saw that I have been reading all your comments and messages. The endless support I am getting from you people is extremely heartwarming and I can not express to you people how grateful I am to you. You guys are truly awesome. 

I wanted to tell you people that I will be rewriting the "scars to remember"  that you will find in my profile. The first edition will still be here which you can read anytime but bear in mind that this version by no means is anyway perfect, which is why I am rewriting it once again. 

Also, the new version will have many changes in terms of setting, characteristics, timeline, and scenes but the overall plot will remain the same. I really hope that you all will like the version as much as you like this version. 

With all the love,
Vibrantly Sassy 

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