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Fryer watched as the two girls were led away to the infirmary to clean their wounds—well it was only one girl who was in need of medical help at the moment

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Fryer watched as the two girls were led away to the infirmary to clean their wounds—well it was only one girl who was in need of medical help at the moment. The second girl just tagged along with her.

A human, a hot-headed one too. It's been a while since someone got on his nerve the moment they met. She incited something inside him, something he hasn't felt before, something he still was unsure what it was. All he knew was that she has disregarded his authority as the alpha of Ashbryn's pack and he didn't like it, his wolf didn't like it.

"Some girl she was," Felix came to his side totally oblivious of his anger, "but I'm glad they came. She just saved  Verena's and Mike's life."

Fryer momentary looked at Felix, a slender man who looked too weak to be called his gamma but looks can be deceiving and Felix has proved that again and again. Fryer couldn't think of anyone who was better than Felix as his third in command. 

She saved his family.

Fryer thought of the moment the girl had stepped out of the car. Looking like nothing but a weak human girl, he was caught by surprise when he saw her in action. There was no denying she was a great fighter, even better than some of his pack warriors and she seemed unafraid. It's always the humans that are the prey but at the moment, she looked more like a predator, like a tigress who was ready to devour anyone who messed with her and she actually did. One by one, she took down the rogues and the hunters just with the tip of her arrows. 

Fryer looked at the rogue wolves who had an arrow stuck to his head, right between his eyes. It was a clean shot and now that he saw the other victims of her arrow, he realized it was not just a lucky hit. He pulled the arrow out to examine it and the wolf immediately shifted to its human form. 

This arrow was such a beautiful piece of art that Fryer believed that it belonged to a museum. The blood made it look more mesmerizing. The shaft was made of smoothly cut wood and the head was made of silver which elegant small details engraved on it. Frayer was hypnotized by this lethal beauty and somehow, it reminded him of its owner. 

"This looks customized," Felix said as he took the shaft from Fryer. He touched the silver tip in fascination and immediately hissed when he felt the burning sensation. 

"Wolfsbane," he immensely pulled his finger away.

Fryer gave a small nod acknowledging his discovery. This arrow was made with one thought and was to kill. Even if the arrow missed the vital parts, the wolfsbane was sure going to kill his victim. There was no way a werewolf was going to survive if he was hit by this. 

Fryer turned his attention to the field, taking his mind off a certain blonde but it seemed too hard to do so when the dead lying around him reminded him of her. 

"Did you contact Jaden?"

"I was about to tell you about it," Felix replied, "Jaden and others reached their hiding spot but everything was already destroyed. They said they would look around for a little longer before coming back."

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