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Fryer silently ate his breakfast ignoring all the commotion that was happening around him

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Fryer silently ate his breakfast ignoring all the commotion that was happening around him. Putting dozens of packs in the same room was never a good idea. He was still not sure why he was here or why he had to take part in this championship. He didn't want to do anything outside his pack yet here he was sitting inside the palace having breakfast when the members from different packs were making different remarks on each other. 

Jaden was silently watching all of this while carefully keeping eyes on his alpha making sure he didn't lose control—which has been happening a lot in the past few years. Ever since what happened four years ago, Fryer's anger has been on edge. With barely any control over it, the pack has started to fear him not that they blamed him. They now knew that he had lost the love of his life not once but twice. Losing a mate would make anyone become insane so knowing he cope up for so many years made them astonished. It made them respect him even more. 

The hall suddenly grew silent causing the Ashbryn Pack members to look up and see the reason. Figures hidden behind white cloaks and bronze masks made their way inside, with their head held high as if the world existed beneath their feet, they proudly walked ahead.

Elestren who was watching them silently gasped internally recognizing those blue eyes immediately. "El...Elena!" She whispered so low that Fryer was barely able to hear her. 

Shocked, he finally looked up making eye contact with her right away as she too was looking at him. His breath hitched remembering those eyes almost immediately. How could he not recognize them when he had dreamed about them every single night.

Scarlett immediately looked away and walked past him to the very corner of the hall where a table was reserved for them. With her back facing towards, Scarlett took a seat, her pack members following after her. Daniel sat beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Fryer saw the closeness between the two and immediately looked away glaring at his food. Felix and Jaden looked at him in worry with their senses high alert in case Fryer did something. Thankfully, at the time, the king entered the hall along with the prince. Everyone stood in respect and gave a deep bow.

The king looked around the hall before his eyes landed on Sverlia Pack. "Do I finally have the honor to meet the Alpha of Sverlia pack or did the alpha again ditched me?" King Marlin joked. 

"I wish I could do that, your highness!" Scarlett said, the familiar smirk playing on her lips. Oh, even if Freyer was blind, he would have still recognized her through her voice right away. He felt the familiar pang arise in his heart.

Scarlett once again gave a deep bow, "It's an honor to finally meet the king." Her pack followed after her as well.

It astonished the people who recognized her just how much power she carried around her. 

"The pleasure is all mine." The king smiled and sat on his throne. "Though I wished I could see the face of the woman who became a legend within years."

"You praise me too much, your highness. I am no legend," Scarlett gave a sad smile. 

"I know what you have been doing for these past years," The king smiled at her softly, "And to say I am proud would be an understatement. Looking at you like this, I feel like I am looking at my daughter that I have never been able to meet ever in my life."

"It's an honor for me that you think this way of me." 

The king chuckled and turned to the rest of the hall, "Enjoy the breakfast and eat as much as you can. You have a long day waiting ahead for you."


"They recognized me right away!" Scarlett said the moment she and Daniel entered her room.

"I can tell that," He mused and walked up to her slowly caressing her face. 

"The look on their faces, it was the look of betrayal. They felt betrayed by me." Scarlette whispered. 

She remembered the way they all looked at her, obviously not believed her that she left that place for these people. She remembered seeing Fryer's face and damn, he had become even more handsome if that was even possible. He had now cut his hair short, something she never thought she would ever see. But unlike before, he now had a rougher edge to his beauty. He looked dangerous, like a cold heartless beast that was ready to kill anyone. 

"You had your reason for doing that," Daniel whispered and brought his face closer to her's, "Even if they don't understand it, it was your only way." 

Just as Daniel's lips touched Scarlett's, Fryer's face flashed in front of her eyes and she immediately looked away from Daniels. Daniel immediately understood it and pushed back from her.

"I...I'm sorry." Scarlett stammered, guilt evident in her voice as she avoided eye contact with him. 

"Don't worry Scar!" Daniel gave her a reassuring smile, "I totally understand it."

He moved forward and engulfed her in a tight hug. "He is the man you love and I have always known it. I'm not going to break you apart and besides..." He pulled back and gave her a full-blown smile, "It's not like we had any romantic feeling for each other." 

Lies! It was a lie that Daniel said through that fake smile. He has fallen for this girl long ago and he could give up his life to protect her. But he knew she was never his since she had already given her heart to Fryer. 

Scarlett looked in his eyes seeing right through his lies. Oh, how stupid this boy was to think she could not read him. He was like an open book and the abilities she possessed didn't help either. She felt guilty for him but no matter how much she tried, she could not bring herself to tell him, to apologize to him. Because she knew the moment she told him, it would crumble his pride, it would make him feel like a toy she played with. She never felt that way about him but she knew the moment Daniel found out Scarlett knew, he would think that way. He was already a broken boy and Scarlett didn't want to break him further because of her selfishness so she continued to pretend as Daniel pulled her to the bed for one last time promising each other they would never touch each other's naked body ever again.

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