Chapter 19- Aurelio Gutierrez

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Aurelio Gutierrez was not actually my Uncle

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Aurelio Gutierrez was not actually my Uncle. I've known him since before I was able to pronounce his name, which is the reason I've called him Uncle Lio my whole life.

He attended and graduated from the same police academy as my dad. They had been close friends ever since. 

He basically is like my family, which is why seeing him here while my friends and I broke into our school was a little nerve-wracking for me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him casually.

"Some locals in the area said they thought they saw some kids sneaking into the school. Where's Cyrus? I know he can't be far behind you."

A nervous chuckle broke out from literally behind me. "Hi Uncle Lio," Cyrus said as he tucked his nerf gun behind his back.

"Who's your new friends?" He asked, noticing the three extra people he hasn't seen us hang out with yet.

Declan cleared his throat to speak for the first time. "I'm Declan, sir. This is Natalie and that's Adam in the back."

Natalie was still wide-eyed as she gave him a nervous wave and Adam simply nodded his head at him in greeting.

I stepped towards Uncle Lio and pulled him away so we could talk privately.

"I can't belive you just ratted me out to a cop," I heard Adam grumble from the background as I guided Uncle Lio to the side.

"So I know this looks bad but we're just a couple of stupid kids playing around. It's all in spirit for the senior prank. Last time I checked that wasn't illegal."

"Rowena what do you think your dad will say if he knew that you were breaking into schools? Not to mention how he'd react to where your little friend back there had his hands just now."

"Um- he's not going to react or say anything, because you're my favorite Uncle and you would never rat me out like that to my dad. Plus, we're just friends..."

He lifted his brows looking entirely unconvinced.

"Are we really going to get in trouble for this Uncle Lio?" I asked, half whining about it.

He studied me for a moment and then looked around the area before he spoke. "Did you break anything?"

I shook my head in response.

"Did you make any mess?"

"Possibly some stray bullets lying around," I said looking back at the nerf guns that Declan still held in his hands.

Adam had tossed his to the ground, leaning back against the lockers like he had been doing nothing, while Cyrus seemed to be talking Natalie out of a low-grade panic attack.

"I'm a really good kid this year Uncle Lio, you'd be so proud. Plus, you know Cyrus doesn't deserve to get in trouble, I practically drag him into this kind of stuff. And look at my new friend Natalie, you can pretty much see her shaking with nerves."

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