Chapter 47- Reckless Teenagers

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This is a double update, plz make sure you have read the previous chapter !

This is a double update, plz make sure you have read the previous chapter !

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It could have been either one of them. I was running and thinking literally the worst of what could have happened.

I get closer to the door when I see that Adam is with an officer already. He's standing on his own two feet and he doesn't look injured at all. I keep going.

I make it past two other men of Giovanni's sitting off to the side in cuffs. There was the one that was holding Adam and the other was Donny, the one that was sent upstairs for Declan and Cyrus.

Declan and Cyrus who I still don't see. And I don't see Marcel in those cuffs.

I make it to the doorway ignoring some officers calling for me. Cyrus is just now making it down the stairs. I look him up and down, accessing for any type of injuries. It looks like he's struggling to breathe.

He looks up and sees me as I make my way over to him.

"Rowena I-" He struggles to speak like the words are too big and his throat is too small.

"Cyrus, are you okay? I heard a gunshot," I speak fast. Besides him being out of breath he doesn't look like he's been wounded by a gun. "Where's Declan?"

He motions up the stairs. "He- Row he-" Someone comes up to Cyrus to help him and I can't take another second of what he was trying to say. I let them help him as I take off up the stairs.

I see them in the hallway. There are two bodies on the ground.

Marcel has a gunshot wound in the middle of his chest. There seemed to be blood everywhere.

And then there was Declan, a gun kicked off to the side by his foot as an officer reaches for it. He was sitting against the wall still breathing hard from whatever had just happened.

He notices me at the end of the wall. I walk over to him as he struggles to pick himself up.

I see the drained look on his face like all his energy has withered and then I feel it within myself. All the exhaustion from the past thirty minutes or so threatens to spill out, but I can't let it yet.

I'm watching him, making sure he's not bleeding anywhere but he is. He has a wound on his brow, a stream of blood going down the side of his face. There's a big bruise forming on his jaw and it looks like he's holding the side of his torso. But no bullet wounds.

He's just barely on his own two feet when I reach him. I ignore the ache in my hip, the sting from my split lip, the pounding in my head, and the burn from whatever popped in my wrist. When I practically throw myself into him and he catches me, I don't feel exhausted anymore, I just feel relief.

"I heard a gunshot I thought-" The sound of my own sob cut me off. Declan's arms hold me tighter.

"I shot the gun, Row. He was choking Cyrus I- I thought he was going to kill him."

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