Chapter 29- Police Business Only

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TW: mentions of human trafficking

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TW: mentions of human trafficking

"But dad you don't even know why I did it-"

"I don't want to hear it, Rowena."

"But she deserved it, dad, she-"

"I don't want to hear it. We agreed that things would be different at this school, did we not? You're supposed to be staying out of trouble, punching a girl in their nose is not staying out of trouble."

"I know. But-"


"It could have been an accident you know," I argued.

"How do you accidentally punch someone in the face, Rowena?"

"My hand could have... slipped... in an aggressive manner..." He did not look amused.

"You're grounded. That's final."

I huffed out a breath in annoyance, but he wasn't done there.

"And you're coming with me to work on Saturday."

"I have work on Saturday. At the diner."

"Not this Saturday you don't. I just thought of a different job for you. You can come to my office and organize my files," He gave me a sarcastic smile at that and his decision was final.


I was grateful that my manager Risa actually liked me. I don't know how many other managers would have let me off the hook with a "I can't come into work today, my dad says I'm grounded."

I would have rather been at the diner than here anyway. Dad's desk was an absolute train wreck. He gave me the day to get it organized.

At least all his case files were all put together, but that served a purpose. I'm not allowed to look through his case files, those were his private investigations, "police business only."

Police business only my ass, he should have asked Uncle Lio to organize his shit then. I rolled my eyes at the thought but decided to get my work done instead of complaining. Maybe if I get this done quickly and efficiently, he would unground me earlier.

Besides dad was here in the office with me most of the day, it's not like I could sneak a few looks into his files anyway.

So half of the day of boredom went by excruciatingly slow.

"Hey kid," Uncle Lio knocked on the open doorway before peeking his head in.

"Hey, Uncle Lio."

"Where's your dad?"

"He went to get another cup of coffee," I replied dully.

"Heard you were grounded."

"You know me," I said with a sarcastic smile. "Can't stay out of trouble for too long."

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