Chapter 3

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The next morning, I could tell before I even rolled over to check the time that it was far too early

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The next morning, I could tell before I even rolled over to check the time that it was far too early. Cracking my eyes open, the first signs of dawn spilled through the flimsy fabric covering my window, illuminating the room with a mix of orange and pink hues as the sun no doubt rose on the horizon.

And when I twisted my head to see the clock on my nightstand, it was no surprise to see 5:50AM staring back at me.

Heaving a sigh, I sank back into the comfort of my bed, bringing my right arm up to rest atop my eyes. There was no need for me to be awake—what with June opening the store—but I knew subconsciously that there was no way I'd be able to fall back asleep.

Because despite the fact that attending Liam and Thea's funeral yesterday had truly zapped me of energy, it had also reawakened the nightmares that had plagued me in the months following my mother's passing. My night had been restless; my head filled with flashbacks that I couldn't escape. Of hearing my mother's voice hauntingly calling out for me. Of searching for her and never being able to find her. Of my father's choked up words when he'd called me to tell me she was gone.

Not wanting to sink back into the tormenting visuals trapped inside my head, I made the easy decision to get up and start my day.

There was no rush to my actions as I moved about my place—a small row house a handful of streets away from the ocean that I rented—indulging myself in extra, and much needed, self-care. An early morning bubble bath, a face mask, and the latest episode of my favorite podcast all a part of my routine, meaning by the time I walked into my kitchen and brought the coffeemaker to life, I was feeling refreshed.

But not enough that I could think about skipping caffeine for the day.

With my mug in hand, I took a sip and reached for my phone, shooting off a text to my father's nurse, Amy, since she was scheduled to drop by his house this morning.

Morning! Looking to drop by my dad's around 7 – will that interfere with your checkup?

I actually just pulled up at his house, so I should be done by then.

Given the okay, I took my time finishing my coffee, scrolling through the early morning news on my Twitter feed before heading back into my room to get dressed for the day. Twenty minutes later, I was bustling around the house, collecting all the things I'd need for the day into my bag before stepping outside.

Luckily, I'd thrown on a knit cardigan to combat the slight chill in the morning air, which served me well as I undid the lock around my bike and hopped on.

In the town of Neptune Bay, I'd never seen the point of a car—what with everything I could ever need located within a few short miles. My bike—with teal paint and a cute wicker basket hanging from the handlebars—suited me just fine, while also keeping me in well enough shape considering I wasn't one to hit the gym on the regular.

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