Chapter 8

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"So..." Hollis drawled, bringing my attention away from the woman who was walking back across the bar to join her friend, "Sloane, eh?"

Acting oblivious to his ribbing, I lifted my drink and took a sip. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play clueless with me, man. You may have moved away to become a big hockey hotshot who can pick up any woman he wants, but I remember when you had quite a thing for her—" He nodded toward Sloane's table. "—back in high school."

"Except she was dating the student council president and was totally out of my league," I countered, not denying the fact. Because he was right. Back when we'd been younger, I'd harboured a crush on my smart, attractive friend, even as we drifted into different social circles once junior year hit.

"Not anymore though."

I huffed out a laugh. "Just because I've made a name for myself as an athlete, it doesn't mean I can get any woman I want."

"Oh yeah?" Lifting a brow, he asked, "When was the last time you asked someone out and got rejected?" When a few seconds passed without an answer, his features turned smug. "I rest my case. Plus, if whatever just happened between you two is anything to go by, I'd say she's into you."

I rolled my eyes. "That doesn't mean she's looking to date."

"True," he said. "Though honestly, I'm kind of surprised you never made a move during the past couple summers."

"Last summer she was going through a lot with her family," I explained, "but otherwise, I know I'm not sticking around. And when I'm here, I try my best to stay out of the town's gossip line."

"And now?"

"Now I'm in charge of a six-year-old." I downed the little whisky that remained in my glass. "I think I need to adjust to that and figure out what the hell I'm going to do once the season starts back up before thinking about a relationship."

"Who said anything about a relationship?" he asked. I shot him a flat look and he held up his hands in mock surrender. "All I'm saying is that you're under a lot of stress right now, dealing with the hand you were dealt, so nobody would blame you for wanting a release."

And though I knew he had a point, I'd always seen Sloane as the relationship-type. She cared for her family, was driven, and had the beautiful girl-next-door vibe going on. It was alluring, that was for sure, and while there was part of me that wanted to say 'screw it' and ask her out, I knew I wasn't the best bet right now.

It was also ironic that, after watching my buddies fall in love over the last couple of years, I'd been thinking more about settling down. That was, until Liam had passed. Suddenly my priorities had shifted, and while the perfect woman may have been sitting just a few feet away, I couldn't find the courage to ask her out.

At least not in that moment.

I stood up from my stool and Hollis tried to back pedal. "Hey, man. Sorry if I overstepped—"

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