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I cross my arms, squint against the sun, and look up at the massive wooden wall adorned with thick twine ropes. "Explain this to me again," I say.

Wel shifts his muscular form and glides a dark tan hand over the short black hairs on his head. "Stories have spread about how you didn't finish your basic training because you are scared of the wall. Every soldier here has run the obstacle course at least twice, including the Stigian."

With a sneer, I turn to face my most trusted officers and sweep my hand in Kyron's direction. "I may not have climbed the wall, but I kicked the mighty Stigian prince's ass in the sparring ring. Doesn't that count for something?"

"I wouldn't say you kicked my ass. You strung me up in a tree and made a few sexual innuendos."

"I won the match, and you made the sexual innuendos."

Kyron lifts a brow and raises his voice a couple of octaves. "If you win, you can have me on the table, the floor, the—"

"Okay, I got it." I cover my face with my hand and wait for my cheeks to cool before continuing. "Does nobody have any compassion for my injuries? I was sliced open by a huge hawk just a couple of days ago."

"Two weeks ago," Greer says with a pointed look. "And the medics tell me the healer's ointment worked wonders. You're good as new."

I tilt my head to the sun and sigh. "I don't understand what the big deal is?"

Terro props his shoulder on the structure in question and gives it two quick taps. "The soldiers named it Queen Wrecker."

I throw my hands in the air and turn to the wall. "Really? Queen Wrecker? For Statera's sake. We leave for Allaji in two days to rescue our soldiers and everyone is concerned about my inability to climb a damn wall."

"It's a requirement to finish training, and you didn't complete it," Wel explains with a shrug.

"You've got to overcome the fear. It's time to conquer the wall, Elle." Greer says.

There is little which frightens me when it comes to my safety. I will train until I bleed, ride into battle, and even defy a king. But heights...I hate heights.

Leif steps beside me and stares up at the one thing in this entire camp which makes me break out into a nervous sweat. "Don't you believe a bird shifter took your guard?"

My jaw drops open like it's unhinged, and I crinkle my nose. "Are you saying you think an overgrown bird has Zek stored away in its nest high in a tree?"

He spares me a side glance and fights back a smile. "Maybe."

The thought of Zek, Ulric, and the others tucked away in nests and dens is a pleasant way to look at their circumstance. After extensive searches around Basecamp have come up empty, Kyron feels certain the Allaji are holding them captive. It's not ideal, but it's better than dead.

Kyron grabs a rope and holds it out to me. "It's the principle of it, princess. You're here because you won't ask our people to fight for something you won't fight for yourself. It's time to lead by example and overcome the wall."

"I hate to say it, but the man makes a good point, Elle," Leif says.

"Shit," I hiss and pull off my jacket.

Everyone may get a good laugh at out of my phobia, but this is terrifying. I don't like the sensation of looking down, especially when there is nothing to stop me from falling. The days I spent trying to conquer the wall were long, hard, and brought me to the verge of tears. I wanted to climb over it—I still do—but losing control and the terror of falling stunted me.

Crown of Feathers (Book 2 of the Crown Trilogy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ