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Lucent looks as it always does—a small, content city resting under the star-speckled sky. Tendrils of smoke twirl above as families gather in their warm homes to share their final meal of the day. The amber glow of lanterns and chirping crickets speaks to its tranquility. But the truth is easily distorted from this far away.

The Allaji are within the city's walls, no doubt causing mayhem.

My nerves pique at the thought. The people behind me are half of the combined army. The king and queen knew they could not defeat the shifters alone. Yet we are leading just as many soldiers into this mission. It doesn't matter that I sent a messenger to Stigian to alert my father and Esmeray. We don't have time to wait for them. There is no telling the damage the Allaji are causing, and I fear for the lives of those who can't fend for themselves.

Kyron stops our infantry. A crowd of black metal, leather, and Lucent armor pause at the crossroad before the straightaway to the city's gate.

I find it hard to stay focused on anything but him as he dismounts from Samson and walks toward me and Nortus. His Stigian battle uniform is menacing, to say the least. Like the Lucent armor, it is form-fitting and black. Leather straps cross his chest, holding a silver emblem in the center—a shield depicting a crescent moon surrounded by ten stars. Metal plates curve over his shoulders, giving the appearance he is broader than he really is. And several daggers are sheathed in easy to reach places on his body.

He props his arm on my saddle and lowers the black mask covering the bottom half of his face. "Are you sure you can get past the guards at the path to the Omnis?"

I remove the helmet which matches my armor and smooth down the stray hairs, which have broken free of the twist at the back of my head. "I've always been told to go there you must be invited by Micah, but I clearly found a way around that. Besides, it's the safest way to get those in the palace out. I have to try."

"If it works, get in and get them out. We're not here to win this."

"I know," I say, pulling my lips into a tight smile. I don't want him to worry, but I know he does. It is one thing for an attack to happen to Basecamp and another to ride into one in progress.

Kyron reaches up and cups my cheek, guiding me to bend down until we are face to face. "Please be careful."

"You too."

I grip the strap on his shoulder, and he presses his lips to mine in a quick, soft kiss. It is hard to let him go, but I release him, knowing we will have time for more kisses once everyone is safe.

Kyron pats Nortus on the back. "Watch out for my girl, old boy."

His girl—the phrase makes me light-headed. I have so many reasons to hurry this mission, but to hear Kyron call me his again is at the top of the list. My horse bristles and stomps with his hooves, shaking me out of my thoughts. I'm not sure if he is helping me get my head on straight or telling Kyron his request is ridiculous. Of course, Nortus will look out for me; hasn't he brought me this far?

"And you two," Kyron turns to Leif and Terro, "stay at her side."

They lift the visors on their helmets and in unison say, "Yes, Your Grace."

I lift my brows and smirk. "Should I make the same demand of Greer and your commander?"

"No need, Elle," Greer pipes up from her horse. "You'll get your pretty prince back."

"She thinks I'm pretty," Kyron says, with a wink.

Terro laughs. "Don't we all."

"Don't feed his inflated ego; I'd hate for him to spontaneously combust before we achieve what we're here for," I say.

Crown of Feathers (Book 2 of the Crown Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now