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He's cold, insensitive and rude... But why can't I stay away?


My love life was the last of my problems. Last year, bullies, penny less... Senior year didn't present itself exactly as a dream. And everything gets even worse when my ex-bestfriend came back; the only person I'd ever loved until he decided my friendship wasn't enough as and turned against me.

Now I have a different group, a clear aim and things won't be the same they were, right?

And to confuse me all the more, there's Connor.


His glare hardened making my stomach twistched and I lowered my gaze, ashamed. Once more, I was weak. The fist beside my head balled, pressing his knuckles against the metal and making my guts twitch. "No one's gonna stand up for you if you don't stand up for yourself." he spat and I nodded to the floor, tightening my hold on the paperboard almost afraid I might ruin it.

"I-I'm trying." I stuttered, pathetic to my own ears and even without looking at him anymore I could tell he wasn't buying it. I feel it in the waves of frustration and hidden anger emanating off him along with the citric-smoking scent and maybe that was what helped focusing on more considerations other than intimidation. The way he spoke, the rage he held within against everything and anyone, the cold way he carried himself around, detatched and harsh... I couldn't control my next question: "Why do you hate everyone?"

"Everyone hates me."

My brows knitted together, my head snapping up again at the immediate careless response. "That's not true." but Connor just shrugged, not even saying it as something bad, more as if something known he deals with everyday. It didn't seemed to bother him but it bothered me. I gulped but my mouth felt suddenly too dry. "I-I don't hate you."

My face heated up as soon as those words left my mouth, wondering what on earth possessed me to say that. Even if it was true, if something I knew about Connor that was his distaste for cheesiness and disgust he already felt for my weakness. This couldn't help my case with him.

His dark eyes dived in mine, halting my pulse for the longest second, making me imagine seven thousand possible ends of my stupid remark and none of them worked good for my self-esteem. Would he laugh? snap? glare and told me to stay the 'fuck off'? Yet Connor's reaction wasn't one of the ones I'd imagined.

He scoffed, the hem of his mouth twitching in the slightest but too fast for me to decipher it before going back to his inexpressive shield. "You are not everyone."

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