29|| Stand still

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My hands gripped his shoulders for stability as he pressed me harder against the locker, making it screech; but I couldn't focus one anything that wasn't him. His hand running down my side, setting my skin on fire and feeling suffocated in my causal cloths that did little to conceal the feeling of his warm body against mine.

A surprised gasp left my mouth and died in his as his other hand laced on my hair to angle my head as he liked and mine tugged at the thick baggy jumper, unsure if I was trying to stabilize myself of pull him closer. Probably both.

My chest was beaming, euphoria running through my veins as the initial shock and first thrill I could only drown in this ecstasy. Those same sparks I felt briefly in my porch were now igniting each and every inch of my body, making me buzz and clouded my mind.

Only guided by that fire I stood on my tiptoes, but Connor didn't like to give up control so he used my own movement to deepen the kiss and everything in me melted at the new, blissful sensation.

I'd never kiss anyone before him, but it seemed that in a deeper layer I was somehow aware of what I was supposed to do. It also helped that Connor was so... dominant.

He leg slid between mine and he pressed me harder against the lockers letting his teeth grazed my lower lip and making me shudder. He was always so detached, so controlled... and somehow it made sense that he wanted to control the situation now as well. And that spurned all the more the fire in my guts.

My head spun, overwhelmed at his demanding rhythm, completely turned on. What the hell? His hands closed right over my hips, getting a hold of me and my shirt crumbled in his hold, making it roll up lightly and the hot touch of his rough palm pressed against my sensitive skin there causing goosebumps to spread mercilessly. Too much. This was escalating from 0 to 1000 in a matter of seconds, as if all the built tension was finally paying off.

"W-wait." I broke away, drowning in this suffocating passion. I felt it in my chest, on my skin, numbing my senses, so all I could feel, sense and see was him. Nothing else, and that was as equally strong as it was scary. "I- I can't... I don't..."

How do you say that you got no clue how to proceed? That you are utterly overwhelmed by something I myself had pursued? My lips felt on fire, itching at the late aggressiveness of the kiss and everything left in me was a complete mess.

I chuckled nervously, barely aware of my fingers tightening around the thick fabric of his sweater. "How is this not complicating things further?" I wondered, thinking of his previous statement and Connor shrugged, making me laugh nervously.

His lips quirked at the corners, cupping my chin softly and leaning to brush his lips on mine again, making my eyes fluttered close...

... But there was a sudden gasped form our side and I pulled away, my face heating up violently as I saw Lydia Hammel on the corner of the corridor, her arms full of papers and binders and her mouth open, gaping at us in shock.

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