Chapter Six: Unexpected Arrival

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(Y/n)'s POV

"So! How was the ball, (y/n)?" asked my father who sat there with gleaming eyes. I whirl the soup around with my silver spoon with my head resting to my palms, avoiding my father's gaze and question.

"(Y/n), your father is talking to you." mother reminded me as I sighed, looking up with a groan. "It's fine." I replied black and gazed back down on the mushroom soup without even tasting it. "Any...suitable suitors that caught your eye, (y/n)?" mother asked with a slight chuckle, plastering on a cheeky grin.

I looked up at her with lips bitten down, chewing it softly as I wished for it to bleed. My mind was a labyrinth of thoughts since getting out of the imperial palace. I tightened both of my grip on my purple dress and stood up from the chair, a concerned look coming across on both of my parents faces.

" see I-"

"My lady!" we heard Imelda's voice in a panic as she entered the room, breaking a sweat. Mother stood up and crossed her arms with furrowed brows, "What is it, Imelda?" she asked. Imelda took a deep breath in and huffed, "It's urgent, my lady! The royal prince is here!" she announced.

I gasp in surprise, with pure horror written all over me. Father stood up from his chair while all eyes suddenly laid on me, with a few maids whispering from behind. I felt myself feeling flustered and looked at the ground, my mother walked towards me and fixed my hair and attire.

"Look at you, (y/n)! Wearing such dress. Imelda! Take her upstairs and dress her up in something nicer, quickly!" she clapped her hands. Imelda took me by the shoulder as we stepped out of the dining hall, "And where are you lovely lady going?" a voice interrupted us from half the stairs.

I looked around to see Nikolas with a bouquet of fresh, red roses in hand and a charming smile. "Oh, my! Your royal highness, it's a pleasure to meet your acquittance." my mother scurried in front of him and bowed with my father, "Ah, lady (L/n) and lord (L/n), correct?" he raised a brows while my father nod with a chuckle in response.

Nikolas looked at me again and took a step towards me from the staircase, keeping his eyes above me. I gripped on Imelda's shoulder tight, with lips sealed that hid my trembling demeanor. "Seeing you at broad daylight is even better than I imagined, my dear (y/n)." he sighed in awe.

Imelda giggled softly, while my mother told her to let go of me. Imelda bowed down to Nikolas and stepped down from the stairs. "Your royal highness, may I ask what you're doing here this fine morning?" my father asked and Nikolas smile, taking a few more steps towards me and taking my hand to his palms.

"Why to ask your daughter's hand in marriage, of course!" he laughed and softly pulled me down the stairs. Mother gasped in shock, trying to hide her smile from her face. The euphoria she must be feeling right now.

Nikolas pushed me closer and gave me the bouquet of red roses, "The first time I saw you in the ball was the first time I felt my heart beat, and I want that feeling to last with you by my side forever, lady (y/n)." he said, kissing the top of my hand.

I balled my hand behind into a fist with my heart suddenly beating in ablaze, it was like straight out of a book. "I...uh..." my mind suddenly couldn't form any words, I was speechless with my parent's pressuring eyes.

I took my hand away from his and stepped back, bowing my head. "I am flattered, your most royal highness," I gave a small smile and looked up at him with a stern stare, "But I expected for you to keep your promise of letting me make up my mind on my own." the words came out a bit more harsh in tone, but I wasn't one with always biting back the frustration. Especially in kept promises.

Nikolas stared with an incredulity mien but quickly changed with a quiet chuckle. My mother craned her head towards me with a death-dealing stare and gazed back to Nikolas, "I'm very sorry, your royal highness. (Y/n) is just-" my mother's words soon faltered when Nikolas clasped both of his hands.

"Oh, it'll be fine lady (L/n)," he replied to my mother, "Then I'll be waiting, my dearest." Nikolas kissed the top of my hand once more, saying those last few words in a whisper for only me to hear. My heart skipped a beat, making me put a hand to my heart.

"I'll...I'll escort you out, your highness!" my father caught up with them.

"What were you thinking, (y/n)?" mother shook me with both of her arms on my shoulder, keeping her hoarse voice down. "Shouldn't you be happy that the prince himself likes me?" I glared and pushed her away with the bouquet of red roses. "I'm going to my room!" I yelled, looking at Imelda who nod her head.

I went up the stairs in a haste with Imelda following suit. When I heard the bedroom door shut open, I let out a loud sigh of relief and threw the bouquet to the floor. "You...your grace, the flowers." she pointed as I looked out the window with a scowl, seeing Nikolas riding a horse with the other royal guards and a few known knights.

He glanced up at my window and blew a kiss towards me, making myself fluster and withdraw the curtains back. "Who does he think he is? Stumbling upon my house just like that!" I fumed and sat on the bed with crossed arms, "Well for one, your grace, he is the prince." she chuckled, breathing in the scent of the fresh bouquet.

"Throw it in the trash, Imelda. I don't want it," I said while casting a glance at her blushing face, "Or you can keep it instead, I suppose." I sighed from the lovestruck Imelda, "Your grace, I never thought the prince could be so...charming! He's a ladies dream, I say!" she cast a smile in my way.

"Well I'm not that lady, I would rather die than marry!" I said those words like I was in a little play, being overdramatic was one of my specialty was what my mother said.

"My lady, this is every princesses and ladies dream! To be married to a prince!" she said with her persuasive tone, taking both of my hands with her gentle fingers. "Then you marry him, then!" I ignored Imelda's gaze and furrowed my brows.

My eyes softened as Nikolas's words swirled around me, the thought of my family getting executed because of me was something I could never forgive myself. I shut my eyes close and whined with exasperation, crashing down on the soft sheets of my bed and ruining my hair along the process.

Imelda only stared without trying to stop me, I suppose she was used to me throwing a few tantrums then and there.

After a few minutes of letting out the flames, I got up and straightened my hair. "My choices are quite limited, Imelda. I suppose I have no other options but to comply to his highnesses demand." I confessed with teary eyes that made my sight come to a blur, "You...your grace?" she took a step forward as I wiped away the tears that dared fall on me like a waterfall.

I stood up and nod my head, "I'll marry him and kill him with my own two hands!" I clawed my fingers and choked the air, making Imelda laugh. "Oh, your grace. I don't think that's very ladylike." she walked forward and gave me a gentle smile.

We both broke out a jittery laugh, making my heart feel warm inside. Imelda was a sibling I never got to have, but I still felt happy with her. Even if we didn't share the same blood. As we heard my mother's call for Imelda, she took her leave and left me alone in my room.

The smile faded away in a spur of the moment as I peeked outside the curtained windows. "Prince Nikolas, a cruel yet handsome crook." I mumbled to myself with a glare.

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