Chapter Twenty-Five: Belligerent

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Nikolas's eyes darted everywhere and hastily got up from the bed while they tried calming him down. Both of our gaze sets on each other as his eyes lit up with joy, "Oh, I though you'd leave me my dearest (y/n)!" he said in relief, letting go of the panic struck from his face.

He began to cough violently, heaving in a breath while the maids panic. I'd love to leave him, but those words seemed cruel to the eyes of the maiden and I certainly didn't want my reputation tainted. "Please leave, I'll be nursing Nikolas for now. I'll ring the bell when needed." I explained in assurance, pointing at the little bell that rests beneath the bedside table.

They all nod and left the room quietly, the sounds of their footsteps drowned in Nikolas's coughing. I took the glass of water from the table and gave it to him while he drank it. Silence fell into the room, for I had no words to utter out towards him but hatred.

Nikolas put the glass down on the table and took my hand with his, pushing it to his cheeks as he settled in to the warmness of my hand. "I had a nightmare, (y/n). I thought...I thought you would leave me," he spoke quietly, pulling my hand to his lips as I felt his shaky breath.

"But if you did left me...I'll roam all around the earth and find you, my dearest (y/n)." Nikolas said with his stern eyes looking up at me while kissing the top of my knuckles. "That's foolish, Nikolas. You already have Eirene." I yank my arm away with furrowed brows, wishing to hear no more of his nonsense.

"I thought it was you, my dearest! I would never love someone like that witch Eirene!" Nikolas frowned and snatched both of my hands, clenching on it tightly while I struggled unbinding him from me. Even if he was sick, he was as strong as before.

"Believe me, (y/n)! I'll kill her! I promise! She's getting in our way, we're fate! Fate I say!" Nikolas screamed, pressuring me on believing him while I tried backing away. "I'll never love you, you disgust me! I want a divorce, Nikolas!" I snapped with teary eyes, making him loosen his grip while I stood back.

Nikolas didn't falter one word, and the room felt tense from the silence that lingered through the humid air. The rain poured heavily as the lightning struck with a blow.

Nikolas stood up and lunged forward, both of his grasps on my neck. I stood stock-still, unable to think but only to blink. "No, you can't leave me (y/n)!" Nikolas scowled with his icy, blue eyes filled with tears that did not dare fall, anger seize as his pitying eyes relinquished from his expression.

"So you will kill me?" I asked with a tear falling down on my cheek, "If I can't have you, my dearest (y/n), then no one can." he said in a hush. He tightened his gripped, making me choke with his strength.

I began to struggle with my tears going down in waterfalls while I tried breathing in for air, wishing for my demise to end in a hurry. I began to reach for the bell, trying to ring it in a hurry. I walked forward with a stagger as Nikolas pushed me down on the bed, I reached for the bell and before he could even turn to look, I smashed it against his head.

Nikolas let go of me while I took a deep breath, huffing and puffing with a quivering body. I looked down on the floor with a gasp, scooping myself up on the bed with a hand on my mouth and a palpitating heart that rung through my ears.

Nikolas lay there unconsciously, but no blood seeped through his head. That was a relief. My eyes darted around the roof and began to smash and break things, trying to make it a scene of struggling from the crowned prince's attack more of a mess.

I stood there for a while in disbelief of what had happened before tumbling out of the room in a hurry, not caring even if I was a mess while they looked and whispered.

My sight came to a blur from my tears and was stopped from my running footsteps by both hands on my shoulder blades. I looked up to see Aleksander with a stricken puzzling, concern look plastered on his face.

He looked at me from down and up, brushing his fingertips to my neck and withdrew back. "Did something happen, lady (y/n)?" Aleksander asked and I nod without hesitation, "Nikolas, attacked me your highness. I...I don't feel safe." I sobbed in between those words, trying my best to stay put together while wiping away the tears that fell.

"Andrea, get lady (y/n) to another bedroom chamber," he called and looked back at me, "Please stay put there for now. I'll check on Nikolas and see what I could do." Aleksander assured and passed by me with quick, striding footsteps.

I look back while Andrea lead me to another chamber while whispering sweet nothings to comfort me.

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