Chapter Twenty-Two: Royal Luncheon

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Shall we go, my dearest (y/n)?" asked Nikolas while buttoning up his vest. I smoothened the wrinkles of my gown and turned to him with a nod, "Yes." I answered as he slid his arm around mine. We walked down the hall without making eye contact, the seemingly longer hallway making my heart skip a beat of what's to come.

I was too afraid to ask questions of why Nikolas invited my family over when they were just bait for me to marry him. But I was hopeful and excited, even if I didn't show it. I knew they would bring Imelda with them, after all, she holds a special place in my heart like a little sister.

"Will...will princess Eirene be joining us today? I heard she's staying here until tomorrow." I questioned, looking at him at the corner of my eye while avoiding to stutter nor mumble. He looked back sternly and raised a brow, "No. She will not, my dearest (y/n)." Nikolas gave a straightforward answer, making me look away with acknowledgment.

As we went down the grand stairs, we were met with busy servants roaming down the marble stone both left and right. They all stopped and bowed their head low while I saw a carriage approaching the front door.

I let go of Nikolas without a thought and went down the stares hastily with a glowing grin plastered on my face. Butlers ran forward to hold my hand as I heard Nikolas shooing them off and hurrying to my side. They bowed their head low and stepped back away, as the doors opened to meet face to face with my parents.

"(Y/n), darling!" my mother called out my name with open arms. I ran towards her and clasped both of my hands around her wait, digging my face to her neck, cherishing this moment with every second that passes. Father gently touched my head and stroke it slowly, "Have you been well, (y/n)?" he asked while looking at me.

"Yes I have, father." I replied softly while letting go of my mother's embrace. I tilt my head to the side, hearing a huff from the carriage. I saw Imelda going down the carriage with a haste like there was no tomorrow while patting down her skirt and fixing her hair. We made eye contact with her eyes gleaming.

She came forward and gave me a tight hug. I soothe her back in a circular motion, "I missed you, lady (y/n." she whispered through my ear with her ticklish breath. "Oh, I missed you more! It hasn't been the same without you here, Imelda." I sighed, pulling back with both of our hands touching each other's forearms.

"Now, ladies. Please be more formal, for your meeting her highness." mother broke us off, keeping us some distance. "R...right! I'm very sorry, madam," Imelda stuttered while bowing down with a flinch, "I greet her royal highness, and his royal highness the crowned prince." Imelda bowed her head low to the ground with her forehead touching.

Nikolas slithered his arm around my waist and clutched me tightly while I heard my parent's greet him as well. "You may rise." Nikolas said with eyes darting down at Imelda as she did what was told.

"You don't have to like that, Imelda. It's alright." I said with reassurance, taking her hand with mine. Nikolas pulled me back and tapped his foot to the ground, "My dearest (y/n), you're too kind with your servant. To earn respect you must make them respect you, keep that in mind," Nikolas lectured with a glare, visibly irritated.

Before I could even utter a word out, Nikolas pushed me back and turned to my parents with a hand grasping on the side of my waist roughly. "Now, shall we go? His and her majesty is already waiting at the dining hall." Nikolas cast a charming smile towards my parents as we went inside.

Queen Amanda and King Callum sat there with Aleksander, all eyes landed on us as my parents and Imelda greeted them. "Ah, duchess and duke (l/n), it's a pleasure to have you today at the palace." king Callum chuckled, getting up to meet them with queen Amanda following from behind.

After a few small talk, we sat down with Imelda and Nikolas beside me and Aleksander from across from the table. My mother and queen Amanda began to talk with ecstasy on how the town is behind the castle walls, the seemed delighted with each. As for my mother and king Callum, the talked about winery.

"(Y/n), and your highness, when will you two be at child?" asked my mother, almost making me choke from the pea. I looked up in surprise as Sophie came forward with a bottle of wine from our brand, 'Wine, your highness?" Sophie asked and I nod without hesitation, "Yes, please." we exchanged a small smile.

"You never seemed fond of wine, darling (y/n). Perhaps a change of heart?" my father asked while the king and him laughed in unison. I took a huge sip, sensing tannin with its bitterly taste. "Lady (y/n) and his highness are too busy preparing for the crown for children to roam around the palace floors as of this time being, isn't that correct lady (y/n)?" asked Aleksander, gazing up at me while cutting his steak.

"Y...yes! Certainly. We've been too busy, mother. My lessons will be of next week." I lied with a smile. Nikolas took my hand and rest it on the table with his, "But having children are my biggest desires. I would love nothing more but to have a dozen of little (y/n) roaming around here." Nikolas laughed while staring at me, a cue for me to agree as I chuckled nervously while nodding my head slowly.

I took a big gulp of the bitter wine to help my unease feeling and looked back up with a smile. To think that Nikolas could be family oriented was bizarre and preposterous. I wouldn't want little Nikolas running around here, that would be a nightmare.

The doors opened as we went quiet and turned our heads, "I hope I wasn't late, your majesty." Princess Eirene bowed her head, darting her eyes towards me with a smug smirk.

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