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Sunday 10:10am

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Sunday 10:10am

I woke up to the heat from the sun beaming down my face.

"Shit!" I jumped up realizing I slept much longer than I thought.

Key laid below me un-startled by my outburst. "You aight?" He asked nonchalantly.

I searched for my phone from on the floor, finding it next to my slides. I had a missed call from my mom, and some text messages from my friends.

I called my mom back.

"Hey honey." She answered me.

"Hi mama. How is work?" I greeted her tryna sound awake.

"Work is work baby, how are you guys?" She asked, referring to me and Araceli.

"I'm good. Araceli went home last night, she wasn't feeling good." I lied.

"Oh ok. I hope she feels better. Have you been checking the mail?" She followed up.

"Yes, and I got your package." I informed her.

"Okay, thank you. Do you need anything or are you still good on money?"

"Nah mama, I'm good. Ivan ordered pizza for us yesterday, and I'll probably eat at Ms. Jonishas for dinner tonight." I assured her since Jah jah usually cooks a big dinner when she gets home from church on Sundays. She would sometimes brings leftovers by to me and my mom.

"Okay, make sure you tell her I said hey. Love you." She instructed.

"Love you too." I responded before hanging up.

I looked over at Key who was smiling.

"What?" I asked him.

"Love you too mama." he mocked.

"Shut up, I do love my mama." I said tackling him to stop his teasing.

I landed on top of him. Mounted between his legs face to face, we both settled in our entangled position. I stared into his eyes then slowly traveled down to his thick lips, as he slid his tongue across them. I inched closer.

"Key." I heard Jah jah yell from downstairs. She was home from church already.

We immediately removed ourselves from our cuddle jumping off the couch and adjusting our clothing.

I couldn't help but notice he had stiffened in his pajama pants, since the tank top he was wearing couldn't hide it. He went into his room and cracked the door still adjusting his third leg.

"What's up Jah?" He called to her.

"Can you come down here and start peeling these potatoes for me so I can start cooking when I get out my church clothes?"

"Yes, ma'am." He responded shutting the door. "Come in." He motioned me.

He must've saw the panic in my eyes. "Whats wrong?" He asked.

"I gotta go home." I whispered to him.

"Aight, so let's go." He said opening the door.

"Jah jah's gonna see me." I warned him.

"She won't even care." He laughed.

"Man, you don't know that." I worried.

"Aight, I'll go see if she's down there, and then you can run out." He assured me.

He stepped back out on the balcony and came back with his phone.

"I'll tell you when when to come down." He said walking out the bedroom. He got to the bottom of the stairs and started talking. I listened and only heard Stone responding.

He text me and said go.

I ran outside to grab my slides. I held them in my hands as I walked out the room and crept down the stairs as quickly as I could.

I looked up to see Stone cracking the biggest smile showing all his grillz now. I smiled back and ran out the front door.

Barefoot, I ran across the lawn to my house. I took my house key out my bra and unlocked the door before running inside.


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