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Monday 2:08am

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Monday 2:08am

Key..." I said quietly.

I'd been trying to search my mind for memories of us. I could only remember the times when I'd ask about him but I hated that I was so little that I couldn't recall.

He was laying on his stomach across the front of the bed playing a FIFA on his ps4.

"Yeah?" He lifted up to look at me.

I was sitting with my back against his headboard. "Do you remember when we met?" I asked him.

He turned off his game and laid down with his head on my lap looking up at me. His locs spiraling across my legs.

He began to speak, "Yeah. One night back when we was real little, ya mama came over here. She was crying bad. We thought maybe somebody got died the way she cried. She told Jah she had a emergency."

I nodded my head listening.

"Me and Eric was havin a sleepover wit a bunch of kids and Jah kept tryna distract you from ya mama leavin but you kept on screamin." He laughed a little. "I jus grapped you by the hand and sat you on the couch wit me and you got quiet. We ate some fruit snacks and you went to sleep." He explained.


"Yup. After that I started beggin my mama to let me be over here a lot more. Eric used to get jealous because I always wanted to be around you."

"Is that what that was about?" I asked mentioning the downstairs argument.

"No! He trippin. When I went away, he became a corner boy. I begged him not to get involved in this shit. He ain't fuckin care. I ain't understand it tho." He said getting angry. I rubbed my hands through his hair as he continued talking. "It was like somebody ripped my heart out my chest when my mama said Rick needed to put me to work. I ain't have no choice, Eric did." He told me rubbing his eyes.

"So why do you still do it?" I asked confused. "You could've left it alone when you came home right?"

He closed his eyes and tear came down. He quickly wiped it away.

"My mama." He exhaled. "She don't want me out the game. She keep movin from one big player to the next."

"But why?" I asked. I know Jah Jah said Key's mother was tryna play trap queen, but damn.

"So I can take over." He said looking me in they eyes. "When my dad went down, she moved to the next nigga. When she was 17, Ricky was it, but then as I got older, he wasn't good enough no more. His moves became sloppy and one of his half ass jobs got me locked up. When I was 2 years in, somebody killed Rick while he was sittin in his truck on the block. Nobody saw shit in broad daylight." He shrugged. "But then came Gino to save the day, takin over where Ricky failed. Gino's been in this shit a long time, so he knows how to move. But what my mama don't like is that Gino won't make me to do nothin I don't wanna do. He see me as my own man. He gave me the choice to make bigger moves when I'm ready."

"What about your real dad. Do you ever go see him?" I asked him tangling my fingers through his hair.

"I don't know none of his information to even look him up. My mom won't tell me anything, and nobody dares to speak about him, especially now that she's with Gino."

"What does Gino want you to do?"

"I talked to him today, and told him that I want to go to school. Maybe learn somethin bout runnin a business cus I don't wanna be in this life forever."

I got happy hearing Key wants to possibly go to school and make a good life for himself. "What'd he say?" I asked.

"He told me take some time. Come back with a plan and we'll talk about it before my birthday." He said smiling.


he cut me off "August third, but don't talk about it."

Our birthdays were that close this whole time?

"So let's work on a plan. Together. I need to figure out what I'm gonna do after graduation anyways." I tell him still playing in his hair.

He sat up to face me. Intensity radiating off his body.
"Bailey, when we was little, I told everybody we was gonna be together forever. That plan hasn't changed. If you mean that shit we can plan our future together."

My eyes burned with tears as he stared at me. I did mean it.

"I'm sorry if I'm scarin you." He said seeing the tears in my eyes.

I shook my head and smiled. "I ain't scared Keykey . I wanna be wit you." I announced.

His eyes widened full of his own tears. "Bailey, I mean it. I came home for you, and I won't lose you again."

Fat tears poured down my cheeks as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to my lips.

We laid down and he wrapped his arms around me and held me there while we went to sleep.

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