Chapter 23 - The Shah's Gift

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Author's Note:

Just a warning, this chapter is a little strange. It is from the Kay novel (which I don't own, unfortunately) so don't blame me. ENJOY!!!!



Rosetta's POV:

It was two months before anything happened for talking about. Erik and I returned to the palace long before Daroga did and I, once again, stayed mostly in Erik's quarters. I had no reason to leave and I was perfectly happy.

It was early in the evening with Daroga walked through the door. A man was following him with a young girl held mercilessly in his grip. I stood up and looked at Daroga, completely puzzled. Why was he bringing a girl to Erik?

He stammered through a speech he had obviously memorized. I could see the fear in his eyes. The long and short of it was this girl was a gift from the Shah from his harem and to be Erik's wife or whatever he wanted. My body went cold but I said nothing. This was the end of any hope I might have had of being anything to him.

I saw the way he looked at her. I couldn't watch. I turned away slightly and closed my eyes. He wanted her. I could see it. I could see it in his eyes and body language. I held my tongue no matter how much it hurt. If he wanted her than I would not be the one to deny him her. His voice wasn't musical like it always was when he growled out,

“*Bring her forward.*” I opened my eyes and saw the girl shrink away from him. She was dragged forward and thrown to the ground before his feet. He leaned forward and threw off her veil. I resisted the desire to run to her side and comfort her. She was terrified. Horror filled her eyes as she drew away as well as she could considering she was lying on the ground. With a harsh tone, Erik said,

“*How old are you?*” The girl's voice quaked as she whispered,

“*Fifteen, master.*” She was only a year younger than me. She was so young. So young to be thrown around like this. I stood up and prepared to run to her side if she needed it. Erik said,

“*Have they told you want is expected of you?*” She nodded and mumbled,

“*Yes.*” He leaned forward and grinned.

“*Very well. I have seen what lies behind your veil, my dear … now you shall be accorded a reciprocal honor. Come forward and remove my mask.*” The girl made no move but shook in horror. I took a few steps closer to her. Daroga looked at and shook his head. I glared at him before looking back at the scene.

“*To refuse me now is to refuse the Shah himself. If you resist I shall take you by force and then return you to execution as his hands. But only come to me willingly for this one night and I swear you shall go free at dawn. One night buys you the rest of your life and the means to spend it in honorable comfort. And perhaps, after all, that night will not be so terrible as you fear … *”

He offered his hand to the girl and she drew away from him in horror. He had made a good point but the girl feared him way too much. She held her hands together and pleaded with her eyes and movements. She was willing to do anything but lay with Erik.

“*You would rather die than lie with me?*” I heard the painful disbelief in his voice. It hurt him. I knew him well enough to know that under that hard shell he was a sensitive man. He felt more than anyone knew. “*You would truly rather die?*”

Falling into a hysterical heap, the girl started to sob. I walked forward and drew the girl into a hug. Daroga glared at me and I returned the glare. The man who had brought her just looked at me. Erik turned his back and folded his arms while saying,

“*Take the child away.*” I looked up at him while rocking the sobbing girl in my arms. It was true, she was a child. Just a child and he wasn't the monster everyone thought he was. Daroga hurried over to him and said,

“*Apparently you have no understood the custom, Erik. The girl is the shah's gift, a personal token of his esteem. To return her in this fashion would be counted an unforgivable breach of etiquette – an insult that would never be forgive.*” I almost laughed. Erik really never had cared who he insulted. It wasn't something that worried him.

“*Take her away. Tell the shah I have no desire for nubile girls. Tell him that I am … incapable … or using such a gift. Damn you, tell him whatever is necessary to ensure that she receives no punishment.*” Daroga gestured to the man and the girl was taken out of the room. I stood up and returned to my seat without a word.

When they girl was gone, Erik poured himself a glass of some strong liqueur. I saw his fingers shaking as he did so.

“*You had better go.*” He said softly. I heard the broken sound. It had hurt him more than any physical pain ever could. Daroga refused and stood his ground.

“*I would like to talk to you first.*” Drawing his hand across his mask, Erik said,

“*Yes, that is a right I cannot deny you – but I should be grateful for a few minutes of privacy now … just a few minutes alone … you understand?*” Daroga walked towards the door then looked back,

“*Erik … why did you send her away? You desired her and she was yours to use exactly as you pleased. Why risk offending the shah for the sake of a girl who is only a slave?*” Erik roared in anger and threw the table before him against the wall, causing the legs to break off. I flinched back but didn't move. He seemed to have forgotten I was even here. That didn't surprise me.

“*Only a slave … only an animal! You asinine Persian dolt – get out of my way quickly, before I forget all that I owe you!” Daroga drew back against the wall and I saw a spark of fear in his eyes as Erik stalked towards the door and flung it against the wall, partially tearing it from its hinges. He walked out and I looked at Daroga.

He ran a hand through his hair and said,

“Rosetta, will you be alright?” I laughed and leaned back.

“He wouldn't hurt me. I wonder if he will even come back tonight.” Daroga shrugged his shoulders.

“I don't know. Do you want me to stay here with you? Just in case …?” I shook my head and he walked through the now broken door. I took a deep breath and prepared to wait for Erik's return. I wasn't going to go to bed until I knew he was back safe in his rooms.

It was well past midnight when Erik walked back through the door. He looked like a mess. I saw his Punjab lasso in his hand and wondered how many people he had killed to relieve his anger. He sank into his chair and lowered his head into his hands.

I walked over to him and heard his sobs. He cried uncontrollably before saying,

“She wanted death over me and I know it wouldn't have been a quick death. It would have been torture. Oh, Rosetta, I thought it would be that way but now I know.” He stopped for a moment and tried to get control of himself. He looked into the fire and whispered,

“I was in the place of that girl once. I was a slave, an animal. I was treated like I was nothing. I wouldn't be like my master. I can't do that. I like her, was an 'it'. Just an 'it.'” He shook with the force of his grief.

“I want love. I want a wife. I want a family. I want a life. Why did I have to be born a monster? Why couldn't I have been normal?” He lost control and I almost did as well. His words were cutting me deep. I rubbed his back and let him cry. I had sworn never to tell him what I felt. I would keep it hidden to hide from the pain. But with every sob, every wish he uttered, my resolve was faltering. When he cried out,

“Will I ever be loved for who I am?” I couldn't help it. A few tears fell from my eyes and I said,

“Yes, Erik, yes, you are loved for who you are. I love you. I am in love with you.” Suddenly common sense took over as I realized what I had just said. I had just set myself up for a heartbreak.  

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