Chapter 28 - Opera Populaire

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Rosetta's POV:

I threw the saddle blanket on the back of Harbringer and then the saddle. I cinched it up and unbuckled his halter to put on the bridle.

It had been three years since that night when Erik had disappeared. I was now in Paris, France. Those three years had been hard for me. I was a lone woman on the loose and free game for any bandit or ruffian. Harbringer had saved my life more than once.

He was still as strong as the day I had met him. His coat didn't gleam quite like it used to and he wasn't as pampered. But there was nothing I could do about that. I did my best to keep him fed and cared for.

I stroked his neck and he tossed his head. I smiled and led him from the stable. Then I heard a voice calling my name. I looked back and smiled.

I sang at a tavern in exchange for a free room for me and stall for Harbringer. The tavern keeper was a kind middle-aged widower who treated me almost like his daughter.

“Rosetta, where are you going?” I smiled at Jacques and said,

“I have received a lead from one of my spies. I am going to follow it up and see if it is correct.” My first step in finding Erik had been to buy the mouths of the city children. The children who ran the streets, hearing and seeing everything. I took a gamble that he would return to France and was likely to go to Paris. I had many eyes and ears out and I paid them as well as I could.

Jacques would help me by often giving them a free meal when they came with information. He knew my story and knew how much I loved Erik.

He walked over to Harbringer and rubbed his nose.

“Well, I wish you luck. I didn't know there were so many masked men in Paris.” I laughed and twirled Harbringer's mane around my finger.

“Neither did I. But this came from my best source. He said that the man was seen around the Opera Populaire. I know Erik well enough to know that if something that large is being built then he will be there. The Opera House is just what would draw him.” Jacques laughed and shook his head in disbelief.

“I have listened to you for two years, talking about this man, but I understand him less then I did. He sounds very confusing.” I giggled and led Harbringer outside of the stable.

“So he is. So he is. It took me a while to understand him. He isn't so bad once you get past his walls.” I smiled and swung aboard. “If I don't come back tonight, I will send a messenger to tell you how I fare. But if I don't return you can guarantee that I have found him. I have high hopes.”

Jacques held the reins of the prancing Harbringer and smiled.

“I hope you do, Rosetta. I don't like to see you pining away with every false lead. Good luck. I hope you find you strange man. Only a woman madly in love would search for three years to find her lover.” I smiled back at him. He released the reins and I took off.

Harbringer was fast and sure. Daroga had been right. He served well as my mount. The tavern was on the outskirts of Paris so it took me a little bit to reach Paris and then get through the streets to the building site for the Opera House.

Many people gave me weird and disgusted looks because I was riding astride. I really didn't care. If I had been riding side-saddle I would have been long dead.

I arrived at the site and saw Henri standing under a tree. I rode over and dismounted. He took hold of Harbringer's reins and said,

“Good morning, Ma'am. I am glad you came.” I smiled and pulled some coins out of my pocket. I handed them to him and said,

“Tell me what you saw.” He smiled and leaned against the tree.

“Well, Ma'am, I have been watching the building site like you requested me too. Two weeks ago, I noticed a strange man around. I didn't want to get your hopes up so I waited to see if I could get a better look. He only came out at night and was always dressed in black and never strayed into the light. I didn't see him for a while so I thought I had lost my opportunity. Then he reappeared again. I saw him for two nights running. Then he disappeared again. But last night, I saw his face clearly. By accident he stepped into the light. He wore a white mask, covering his whole face except for his mouth and chin. The skin was pale and slightly opaque. He was very thin and skeletal. Is that the description of the man you are looking for?”

I nodded excitedly. Everything he had said was Erik. Erik would be one to keep to the darkness. The white mask and skeletal form told me everything. My heart was pounding as I realized that Erik was very close to me right now. I knew where he was and was likely to stay. I pulled some more coins from my pocket and handed them to Henri.
“Thank you, Henri. That is the perfect description. I want you to go to the tavern and tell Jacques that I have found him.” Henri nodded and ran off. I tied up Harbringer and walked to the site. It didn't take me long to catch the eye of the master mason.

He walked over to me and smiled brightly.

“What can I do for you, pretty lady?” I was used to such complements and had learned to ignore them. I smiled and said,

“Well, I need to speak to someone here.” He leaned against a post and said,

“Who?” I took a deep breath and prayed I wasn't completely off track.

“Well, I don't know the name he is using here but he wears a white mask and-” He raised his hand and stopped me.

“Oh, I know exactly who you are talking about. He never gave me a name to call him by. He doesn't really work for me. He kinda works with me. Well, not even that. I know nothing about him but he is a building genius. I am guessing you would like me to fetch him?” I nodded and then quickly amended.

“If it isn't a problem.” He smiled and said,

“No problem, Ma'am. Come with me.” He led me into a small building. I guess it was where they had their plans and such because there were blueprints all over the place. He cleared me a seat and said,

“I shall be back as soon as I can. He ain't too keen on being called. Who shall I say wants him?” I bit my lip and said,

“Tell him an old friends from his past is here.” I dared not give my name. If Erik heard my name he would be gone in a moment. The man nodded and walked out. I twisted my hands together and fretted. It had to be Erik. There was no one else it could be.
I stood up and walked over to the window. Gripping the window sill with all my might, I fought the gnawing pang of nervousness. What if he didn't love me any more? What if he didn't want me? What if … what if … what if. There were so many possibilities. I had changed in three years. I was nineteen now. The years had gone hard on my face and form. I wasn't as pretty as I had been.

What if he had lied about loving me and had decided he didn't love me any more. I heard footsteps and braced myself as I heard the door opening. I turned around and smiled as I saw the form which stepped in.


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