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Rosetta's POV:

We lived for another three years in Italy. Antoinette had a daughter whom she named Meg and Reza Erik and Meg are best friends.

After three years, we all decided it would be a good idea to move back to Paris. Giovanni decided to come with us and he and Antoinette along with Meg lived inside the Opera House for free. Antoinette became a box keeper and Meg took up ballet.

When Meg was six, Daroga reappeared in Paris. He had been driven out of Persia and somehow we had crossed paths. Antoinette and he hit it off immediately and were married a year later. They had several children together and Meg loved her new father as much as if he had been her real father.

As for as Erik and I, well, we had three more children. Two girls and one more boy. The last child, our second son, was almost the spitting image of Erik. Perhaps, even worse. More corpse-like. Not that I cared. I loved the boy dearly.

He grew up and married a young woman singer named Christine. I heard that a book was written about my son, Erik the second, and it was a butchered tale. I never could bring myself to read it. I knew the real story. Erik II had been loved and cherished by the woman of his dreams.

Our little family is a very happy one. Indeed, we have lived, to borrow the famous ending for fairy tales, happily ever after.


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Well, it's finally over. Phew! *takes a deep breath* Long story. Crazy story. I hope you enjoyed. Now, on my otherssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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